Ticket #2070: 2070_revision7599.diff
File 2070_revision7599.diff, 45.6 KB (added by , 17 years ago) |
19 19 BOUNDARY = 'BoUnDaRyStRiNg' 20 20 MULTIPART_CONTENT = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % BOUNDARY 21 21 22 class FakePayload(object): 23 """ 24 A wrapper around StringIO that restricts what can be read, 25 since data from the network can't be seeked and cannot 26 be read outside of its content length (or else we hang). 27 """ 28 def __init__(self, content): 29 self.__content = StringIO(content) 30 self.__len = len(content) 31 32 def read(self, num_bytes=None): 33 if num_bytes is None: 34 num_bytes = self.__len or 1 35 assert self.__len >= num_bytes, "Cannot read more than the available bytes from the HTTP incoming data." 36 content = self.__content.read(num_bytes) 37 self.__len -= num_bytes 38 return content 39 22 40 class ClientHandler(BaseHandler): 23 41 """ 24 42 A HTTP Handler that can be used for testing purposes. … … 236 254 'CONTENT_TYPE': content_type, 237 255 'PATH_INFO': urllib.unquote(path), 238 256 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 239 'wsgi.input': StringIO(post_data),257 'wsgi.input': FakePayload(post_data), 240 258 } 241 259 r.update(extra) 242 260 … … 280 298 """ 281 299 session = __import__(settings.SESSION_ENGINE, {}, {}, ['']).SessionStore() 282 300 session.delete(session_key=self.cookies[settings.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME].value) 283 self.cookies = SimpleCookie() 301 self.cookies = SimpleCookie() 302 No newline at end of file -
9 9 except ImportError: 10 10 from cgi import parse_qsl 11 11 12 from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict, FileDict12 from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict, ImmutableList 13 13 from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, iri_to_uri, force_unicode 14 14 from django.http.multipartparser import MultiPartParser 15 15 from utils import * 16 16 17 17 RESERVED_CHARS="!*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[]" … … 25 25 26 26 # The encoding used in GET/POST dicts. None means use default setting. 27 27 _encoding = None 28 _upload_handlers = () 28 29 29 30 def __init__(self): 30 31 self.GET, self.POST, self.COOKIES, self.META, self.FILES = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} … … 102 103 103 104 encoding = property(_get_encoding, _set_encoding) 104 105 105 def parse_file_upload(header_dict, post_data): 106 """Returns a tuple of (POST QueryDict, FILES MultiValueDict).""" 107 import email, email.Message 108 from cgi import parse_header 109 raw_message = '\r\n'.join(['%s:%s' % pair for pair in header_dict.items()]) 110 raw_message += '\r\n\r\n' + post_data 111 msg = email.message_from_string(raw_message) 112 POST = QueryDict('', mutable=True) 113 FILES = MultiValueDict() 114 for submessage in msg.get_payload(): 115 if submessage and isinstance(submessage, email.Message.Message): 116 name_dict = parse_header(submessage['Content-Disposition'])[1] 117 # name_dict is something like {'name': 'file', 'filename': 'test.txt'} for file uploads 118 # or {'name': 'blah'} for POST fields 119 # We assume all uploaded files have a 'filename' set. 120 if 'filename' in name_dict: 121 assert type([]) != type(submessage.get_payload()), "Nested MIME messages are not supported" 122 if not name_dict['filename'].strip(): 123 continue 124 # IE submits the full path, so trim everything but the basename. 125 # (We can't use os.path.basename because that uses the server's 126 # directory separator, which may not be the same as the 127 # client's one.) 128 filename = name_dict['filename'][name_dict['filename'].rfind("\\")+1:] 129 FILES.appendlist(name_dict['name'], FileDict({ 130 'filename': filename, 131 'content-type': 'Content-Type' in submessage and submessage['Content-Type'] or None, 132 'content': submessage.get_payload(), 133 })) 134 else: 135 POST.appendlist(name_dict['name'], submessage.get_payload()) 136 return POST, FILES 106 def _initialize_handlers(self): 107 from django.conf import settings 108 from django.core.files.uploadhandler import load_handler 109 handlers = [] 110 # We go through each handler in the settings variable 111 # and instantiate the handler by calling HandlerClass(request). 112 for handler in settings.FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS: 113 handlers.append(load_handler(handler, self)) 114 self._upload_handlers = handlers 137 115 116 def _set_upload_handlers(self, upload_handlers): 117 """ 118 Set the upload handler to the new handler given in the parameter. 119 """ 120 if hasattr(self, '_files'): 121 raise AttributeError("You cannot set the upload handlers after the upload has been processed.") 122 self._upload_handlers = upload_handlers 138 123 124 def _get_upload_handlers(self): 125 if not self._upload_handlers: 126 # If thre are no upload handlers defined, initialize them from settings. 127 self._initialize_handlers() 128 return self._upload_handlers 129 130 upload_handlers = property(_get_upload_handlers, _set_upload_handlers) 131 132 def parse_file_upload(self, META, post_data): 133 """Returns a tuple of (POST QueryDict, FILES MultiValueDict).""" 134 self.upload_handlers = ImmutableList(self.upload_handlers, 135 warning="You cannot alter the upload handlers after the upload has been processed.") 136 parser = MultiPartParser(META, post_data, self.upload_handlers, 137 self.encoding) 138 return parser.parse() 139 139 140 class QueryDict(MultiValueDict): 140 141 """ 141 142 A specialized MultiValueDict that takes a query string when initialized. -
680 680 self.field_name, self.is_required = field_name, is_required 681 681 self.validator_list = [self.isNonEmptyFile] + validator_list 682 682 683 def isNonEmptyFile(self, field_data, all_data): 683 def isNonEmptyFile(self, new_data, all_data): 684 if hasattr(new_data, 'upload_errors'): 685 upload_errors = new_data.upload_errors() 686 if upload_errors: 687 raise validators.CriticalValidationError, upload_errors 684 688 try: 685 content = field_data['content']686 except TypeError:687 raise validators.CriticalValidationError, ugettext("No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form.")688 if not content:689 file_size = new_data.file_size 690 except AttributeError: 691 file_size = len(new_data['content']) 692 if not file_size: 689 693 raise validators.CriticalValidationError, ugettext("The submitted file is empty.") 690 694 691 695 def render(self, data): 692 696 return mark_safe(u'<input type="file" id="%s" class="v%s" name="%s" />' % \ 693 697 (self.get_id(), self.__class__.__name__, self.field_name)) 694 698 699 def prepare(self, new_data): 700 if hasattr(new_data, 'upload_errors'): 701 upload_errors = new_data.upload_errors() 702 new_data[self.field_name] = { '_file_upload_error': upload_errors } 703 695 704 def html2python(data): 696 705 if data is None: 697 706 raise EmptyValue -
19 19 from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict 20 20 from django.utils.functional import curry 21 21 from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, force_unicode, smart_unicode 22 from django.core.files.move import file_move_safe 22 23 from django.conf import settings 23 24 24 25 try: … … 447 448 def _get_FIELD_size(self, field): 448 449 return os.path.getsize(self._get_FIELD_filename(field)) 449 450 450 def _save_FIELD_file(self, field, filename, raw_ contents, save=True):451 def _save_FIELD_file(self, field, filename, raw_field, save=True): 451 452 directory = field.get_directory_name() 452 453 try: # Create the date-based directory if it doesn't exist. 453 454 os.makedirs(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, directory)) 454 455 except OSError: # Directory probably already exists. 455 456 pass 457 458 # Put the deprecation warning first since there are multiple 459 # locations where we use the new and old interface. 460 if isinstance(raw_field, dict): 461 import warnings 462 from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile 463 raw_field = SimpleUploadedFile.from_dict(raw_field) 464 warnings.warn("The dictionary usage for files is deprecated. Use the new object interface instead.", DeprecationWarning) 465 elif isinstance(raw_field, basestring): 466 import warnings 467 from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile 468 raw_field = SimpleUploadedFile(filename, raw_field) 469 warnings.warn("The string interface for save_FIELD_file is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning) 470 471 if filename is None: 472 filename = raw_field.file_name 473 456 474 filename = field.get_filename(filename) 457 475 458 476 # If the filename already exists, keep adding an underscore to the name of … … 469 487 setattr(self, field.attname, filename) 470 488 471 489 full_filename = self._get_FIELD_filename(field) 472 fp = open(full_filename, 'wb') 473 fp.write(raw_contents) 474 fp.close() 490 if hasattr(raw_field, 'temporary_file_path'): 491 # This file has a file path that we can move. 492 raw_field.close() 493 file_move_safe(raw_field.temporary_file_path(), full_filename) 494 else: 495 from django.core.files import locks 496 fp = open(full_filename, 'wb') 497 # exclusive lock 498 locks.lock(fp, locks.LOCK_EX) 499 # This is a normal uploadedfile that we can stream. 500 for chunk in raw_field.chunk(65535): 501 fp.write(chunk) 502 locks.unlock(fp) 503 fp.close() 475 504 476 505 # Save the width and/or height, if applicable. 477 506 if isinstance(field, ImageField) and (field.width_field or field.height_field): -
806 806 setattr(cls, 'get_%s_filename' % self.name, curry(cls._get_FIELD_filename, field=self)) 807 807 setattr(cls, 'get_%s_url' % self.name, curry(cls._get_FIELD_url, field=self)) 808 808 setattr(cls, 'get_%s_size' % self.name, curry(cls._get_FIELD_size, field=self)) 809 setattr(cls, 'save_%s_file' % self.name, lambda instance, filename, raw_ contents, save=True: instance._save_FIELD_file(self, filename, raw_contents, save))809 setattr(cls, 'save_%s_file' % self.name, lambda instance, filename, raw_field, save=True: instance._save_FIELD_file(self, filename, raw_field, save)) 810 810 dispatcher.connect(self.delete_file, signal=signals.post_delete, sender=cls) 811 811 812 812 def delete_file(self, instance): … … 829 829 if new_data.get(upload_field_name, False): 830 830 func = getattr(new_object, 'save_%s_file' % self.name) 831 831 if rel: 832 f unc(new_data[upload_field_name][0]["filename"], new_data[upload_field_name][0]["content"], save)832 file = new_data[upload_field_name][0] 833 833 else: 834 f unc(new_data[upload_field_name]["filename"], new_data[upload_field_name]["content"], save)834 file = new_data[upload_field_name] 835 835 836 try: 837 file_name = file.file_name 838 except AttributeError: 839 file_name = file['filename'] 840 func(file_name, file, save) 841 836 842 def get_directory_name(self): 837 843 return os.path.normpath(force_unicode(datetime.datetime.now().strftime(smart_str(self.upload_to)))) 838 844 … … 844 850 def save_form_data(self, instance, data): 845 851 from django.newforms.fields import UploadedFile 846 852 if data and isinstance(data, UploadedFile): 847 getattr(instance, "save_%s_file" % self.name)(data.filename, data. content, save=False)853 getattr(instance, "save_%s_file" % self.name)(data.filename, data.data, save=False) 848 854 849 855 def formfield(self, **kwargs): 850 856 defaults = {'form_class': forms.FileField} -
228 228 # Example: "http://media.lawrence.com" 229 229 MEDIA_URL = '' 230 230 231 # A tuple that enumerates the upload handlers 232 # in order. 233 FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS = ( 234 'django.core.files.uploadhandler.MemoryFileUploadHandler', 235 'django.core.files.uploadhandler.TemporaryFileUploadHandler', 236 ) 237 238 # Number of bytes the length of the request can be before it is 239 # streamed to the file system instead of parsed entirely in memory. 240 FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE = 2621440 241 242 # Directory to upload streamed files temporarily. 243 # A value of `None` means that it will use the default temporary 244 # directory for the server's operating system. 245 FILE_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR = None 246 231 247 # Default formatting for date objects. See all available format strings here: 232 248 # http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/templates/#now 233 249 DATE_FORMAT = 'N j, Y' -
112 112 # Populates self._post and self._files 113 113 if self.method == 'POST': 114 114 if self.environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').startswith('multipart'): 115 header_dict = dict([(k, v) for k, v in self.environ.items() if k.startswith('HTTP_')]) 116 header_dict['Content-Type'] = self.environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '') 117 self._post, self._files = http.parse_file_upload(header_dict, self.raw_post_data) 115 self._raw_post_data = '' 116 self._post, self._files = self.parse_file_upload(self.META, self.environ['wsgi.input']) 118 117 else: 119 118 self._post, self._files = http.QueryDict(self.raw_post_data, encoding=self._encoding), datastructures.MultiValueDict() 120 119 else: -
53 53 def _load_post_and_files(self): 54 54 "Populates self._post and self._files" 55 55 if 'content-type' in self._req.headers_in and self._req.headers_in['content-type'].startswith('multipart'): 56 self._post, self._files = http.parse_file_upload(self._req.headers_in, self.raw_post_data) 56 self._raw_post_data = '' 57 self._post, self._files = self.parse_file_upload(self.META, self._req) 57 58 else: 58 59 self._post, self._files = http.QueryDict(self.raw_post_data, encoding=self._encoding), datastructures.MultiValueDict() 59 60 -
4 4 5 5 import copy 6 6 import datetime 7 import warnings 7 8 import os 8 9 import re 9 10 import time … … 416 417 417 418 class UploadedFile(StrAndUnicode): 418 419 "A wrapper for files uploaded in a FileField" 419 def __init__(self, filename, content):420 def __init__(self, filename, data): 420 421 self.filename = filename 421 self. content = content422 self.data = data 422 423 423 424 def __unicode__(self): 424 425 """ … … 444 445 return None 445 446 elif not data and initial: 446 447 return initial 448 449 if isinstance(data, dict): 450 # We warn once, then support both ways below. 451 warnings.warn("The dictionary usage for files is deprecated. Use the new object interface instead.", DeprecationWarning) 452 447 453 try: 448 f = UploadedFile(data['filename'], data['content']) 449 except TypeError: 454 file_name = data.file_name 455 file_size = data.file_size 456 except AttributeError: 457 try: 458 file_name = data.get('filename') 459 file_size = bool(data['content']) 460 except (AttributeError, KeyError): 461 raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid']) 462 463 if not file_name: 450 464 raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid']) 451 except KeyError: 452 raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['missing']) 453 if not f.content: 465 if not file_size: 454 466 raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['empty']) 455 return f456 467 468 return UploadedFile(file_name, data) 469 457 470 class ImageField(FileField): 458 471 default_error_messages = { 459 472 'invalid_image': _(u"Upload a valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image or a corrupted image."), … … 470 483 elif not data and initial: 471 484 return initial 472 485 from PIL import Image 473 from cStringIO import StringIO 486 487 # We need to get the file, it either has a path 488 # or we have to read it all into memory... 489 if hasattr(data, 'temporary_file_path'): 490 file = data.temporary_file_path() 491 else: 492 try: 493 from cStringIO import StringIO 494 except ImportError: 495 from StringIO import StringIO 496 if hasattr(data, 'read'): 497 file = StringIO(data.read()) 498 else: 499 file = StringIO(data['content']) 500 474 501 try: 475 502 # load() is the only method that can spot a truncated JPEG, 476 503 # but it cannot be called sanely after verify() 477 trial_image = Image.open( StringIO(f.content))504 trial_image = Image.open(file) 478 505 trial_image.load() 506 507 # Since we're about to use the file again, we have to 508 # reset the cursor of the file object if it has a cursor 509 # to reset. 510 if hasattr(file, 'reset'): 511 file.reset() 512 479 513 # verify() is the only method that can spot a corrupt PNG, 480 514 # but it must be called immediately after the constructor 481 trial_image = Image.open( StringIO(f.content))515 trial_image = Image.open(file) 482 516 trial_image.verify() 483 517 except Exception: # Python Imaging Library doesn't recognize it as an image 484 518 raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid_image']) -
332 332 except TypeError: # Special-case if current isn't a dict. 333 333 current = {bits[-1]: v} 334 334 335 class FileDict(dict):335 class ImmutableList(tuple): 336 336 """ 337 A dictionary used to hold uploaded file contents. The only special feature 338 here is that repr() of this object won't dump the entire contents of the 339 file to the output. A handy safeguard for a large file upload. 337 A tuple-like object that raises useful 338 errors when it is asked to mutate. 339 Example:: 340 a = ImmutableList(range(5), warning=AttributeError("You cannot mutate this.")) 341 a[3] = '4' 342 (Raises the AttributeError) 340 343 """ 341 def __repr__(self): 342 if 'content' in self: 343 d = dict(self, content='<omitted>') 344 return dict.__repr__(d) 345 return dict.__repr__(self) 344 345 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): 346 if 'warning' in kwargs: 347 warning = kwargs['warning'] 348 del kwargs['warning'] 349 else: 350 warning = 'ImmutableList object is immutable.' 351 self = tuple.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) 352 self.warning = warning 353 return self 354 355 def complain(self, *wargs, **kwargs): 356 if isinstance(self.warning, Exception): 357 raise self.warning 358 else: 359 raise AttributeError, self.warning 360 361 # All list mutation functions become complain. 362 __delitem__ = __delslice__ = __iadd__ = __imul__ = complain 363 __setitem__ = __setslice__ = complain 364 append = extend = insert = pop = remove = complain 365 sort = reverse = complain -
3 3 from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode 4 4 from django.utils.functional import allow_lazy 5 5 from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy 6 from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint 6 7 7 8 # Capitalizes the first letter of a string. 8 9 capfirst = lambda x: x and force_unicode(x)[0].upper() + force_unicode(x)[1:] … … 222 223 yield bit 223 224 smart_split = allow_lazy(smart_split, unicode) 224 225 226 def _replace_entity(match): 227 text = match.group(1) 228 if text[0] == u'#': 229 text = text[1:] 230 try: 231 if text[0] in u'xX': 232 c = int(text[1:], 16) 233 else: 234 c = int(text) 235 return unichr(c) 236 except ValueError: 237 return match.group(0) 238 else: 239 try: 240 return unichr(name2codepoint[text]) 241 except (ValueError, KeyError): 242 return match.group(0) 243 244 _entity_re = re.compile(r"&(#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\w{1,8}));") 245 246 def unescape_entities(text): 247 return _entity_re.sub(_replace_entity, text) 248 unescape_entities = allow_lazy(unescape_entities, unicode) -
67 67 68 68 class ImageFile(models.Model): 69 69 description = models.CharField(max_length=20) 70 image = models.FileField(upload_to=tempfile.gettempdir()) 70 try: 71 # If PIL is available, try testing PIL. 72 # Otherwise, it's equivalent to TextFile above. 73 import Image 74 image = models.ImageField(upload_to=tempfile.gettempdir()) 75 except ImportError: 76 image = models.FileField(upload_to=tempfile.gettempdir()) 71 77 72 78 def __unicode__(self): 73 79 return self.description … … 75 81 __test__ = {'API_TESTS': """ 76 82 >>> from django import newforms as forms 77 83 >>> from django.newforms.models import ModelForm 84 >>> from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile 85 >>> from warnings import filterwarnings 86 >>> filterwarnings("ignore") 78 87 79 88 The bare bones, absolutely nothing custom, basic case. 80 89 … … 792 801 793 802 # Upload a file and ensure it all works as expected. 794 803 804 >>> f = TextFileForm(data={'description': u'Assistance'}, files={'file': SimpleUploadedFile('test1.txt', 'hello world')}) 805 >>> f.is_valid() 806 True 807 >>> type(f.cleaned_data['file']) 808 <class 'django.newforms.fields.UploadedFile'> 809 >>> instance = f.save() 810 >>> instance.file 811 u'...test1.txt' 812 813 >>> os.unlink(instance.get_file_filename()) 814 795 815 >>> f = TextFileForm(data={'description': u'Assistance'}, files={'file': {'filename': 'test1.txt', 'content': 'hello world'}}) 796 816 >>> f.is_valid() 797 817 True … … 814 834 u'...test1.txt' 815 835 816 836 # Delete the current file since this is not done by Django. 817 818 837 >>> os.unlink(instance.get_file_filename()) 819 838 820 839 # Override the file by uploading a new one. 821 840 822 >>> f = TextFileForm(data={'description': u'Assistance'}, files={'file': {'filename': 'test2.txt', 'content': 'hello world'}}, instance=instance)841 >>> f = TextFileForm(data={'description': u'Assistance'}, files={'file': SimpleUploadedFile('test2.txt', 'hello world')}, instance=instance) 823 842 >>> f.is_valid() 824 843 True 825 844 >>> instance = f.save() 826 845 >>> instance.file 827 846 u'...test2.txt' 828 847 848 # Delete the current file since this is not done by Django. 849 >>> os.unlink(instance.get_file_filename()) 850 851 >>> f = TextFileForm(data={'description': u'Assistance'}, files={'file': {'filename': 'test2.txt', 'content': 'hello world'}}) 852 >>> f.is_valid() 853 True 854 >>> instance = f.save() 855 >>> instance.file 856 u'...test2.txt' 857 858 # Delete the current file since this is not done by Django. 859 >>> os.unlink(instance.get_file_filename()) 860 829 861 >>> instance.delete() 830 862 831 863 # Test the non-required FileField … … 838 870 >>> instance.file 839 871 '' 840 872 841 >>> f = TextFileForm(data={'description': u'Assistance'}, files={'file': {'filename': 'test3.txt', 'content': 'hello world'}}, instance=instance)873 >>> f = TextFileForm(data={'description': u'Assistance'}, files={'file': SimpleUploadedFile('test3.txt', 'hello world')}, instance=instance) 842 874 >>> f.is_valid() 843 875 True 844 876 >>> instance = f.save() 845 877 >>> instance.file 846 878 u'...test3.txt' 879 880 # Delete the current file since this is not done by Django. 881 >>> os.unlink(instance.get_file_filename()) 847 882 >>> instance.delete() 848 883 884 >>> f = TextFileForm(data={'description': u'Assistance'}, files={'file': {'filename': 'test3.txt', 'content': 'hello world'}}) 885 >>> f.is_valid() 886 True 887 >>> instance = f.save() 888 >>> instance.file 889 u'...test3.txt' 890 891 # Delete the current file since this is not done by Django. 892 >>> os.unlink(instance.get_file_filename()) 893 >>> instance.delete() 894 849 895 # ImageField ################################################################### 850 896 851 897 # ImageField and FileField are nearly identical, but they differ slighty when … … 858 904 859 905 >>> image_data = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "test.png")).read() 860 906 907 >>> f = ImageFileForm(data={'description': u'An image'}, files={'image': SimpleUploadedFile('test.png', image_data)}) 908 >>> f.is_valid() 909 True 910 >>> type(f.cleaned_data['image']) 911 <class 'django.newforms.fields.UploadedFile'> 912 >>> instance = f.save() 913 >>> instance.image 914 u'...test.png' 915 916 # Delete the current file since this is not done by Django. 917 >>> os.unlink(instance.get_image_filename()) 918 861 919 >>> f = ImageFileForm(data={'description': u'An image'}, files={'image': {'filename': 'test.png', 'content': image_data}}) 862 920 >>> f.is_valid() 863 921 True … … 885 943 886 944 # Override the file by uploading a new one. 887 945 888 >>> f = ImageFileForm(data={'description': u'Changed it'}, files={'image': {'filename': 'test2.png', 'content': image_data}}, instance=instance)946 >>> f = ImageFileForm(data={'description': u'Changed it'}, files={'image': SimpleUploadedFile('test2.png', image_data)}, instance=instance) 889 947 >>> f.is_valid() 890 948 True 891 949 >>> instance = f.save() 892 950 >>> instance.image 893 951 u'...test2.png' 894 952 953 # Delete the current file since this is not done by Django. 954 >>> os.unlink(instance.get_image_filename()) 895 955 >>> instance.delete() 896 956 957 >>> f = ImageFileForm(data={'description': u'Changed it'}, files={'image': {'filename': 'test2.png', 'content': image_data}}) 958 >>> f.is_valid() 959 True 960 >>> instance = f.save() 961 >>> instance.image 962 u'...test2.png' 963 964 # Delete the current file since this is not done by Django. 965 >>> os.unlink(instance.get_image_filename()) 966 >>> instance.delete() 967 897 968 # Test the non-required ImageField 898 969 899 970 >>> f = ImageFileForm(data={'description': u'Test'}) … … 904 975 >>> instance.image 905 976 '' 906 977 907 >>> f = ImageFileForm(data={'description': u'And a final one'}, files={'image': {'filename': 'test3.png', 'content': image_data}}, instance=instance)978 >>> f = ImageFileForm(data={'description': u'And a final one'}, files={'image': SimpleUploadedFile('test3.png', image_data)}, instance=instance) 908 979 >>> f.is_valid() 909 980 True 910 981 >>> instance = f.save() 911 982 >>> instance.image 912 983 u'...test3.png' 984 985 # Delete the current file since this is not done by Django. 986 >>> os.unlink(instance.get_image_filename()) 913 987 >>> instance.delete() 914 988 989 >>> f = ImageFileForm(data={'description': u'And a final one'}, files={'image': {'filename': 'test3.png', 'content': image_data}}) 990 >>> f.is_valid() 991 True 992 >>> instance = f.save() 993 >>> instance.image 994 u'...test3.png' 995 >>> instance.delete() 996 915 997 """} -
9 9 from regressiontests.bug639.models import Photo 10 10 from django.http import QueryDict 11 11 from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict 12 from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile 12 13 13 14 class Bug639Test(unittest.TestCase): 14 15 … … 21 22 22 23 # Fake a request query dict with the file 23 24 qd = QueryDict("title=Testing&image=", mutable=True) 24 qd["image_file"] = { 25 "filename" : "test.jpg", 26 "content-type" : "image/jpeg", 27 "content" : img 28 } 29 25 qd["image_file"] = SimpleUploadedFile('test.jpg', img, 'image/jpeg') 26 30 27 manip = Photo.AddManipulator() 31 28 manip.do_html2python(qd) 32 29 p = manip.save(qd) … … 39 36 Make sure to delete the "uploaded" file to avoid clogging /tmp. 40 37 """ 41 38 p = Photo.objects.get() 42 os.unlink(p.get_image_filename()) 43 No newline at end of file 39 os.unlink(p.get_image_filename()) -
1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 2 tests = r""" 3 3 >>> from django.newforms import * 4 >>> from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile 4 5 5 6 # CharField ################################################################### 6 7 … … 214 215 Traceback (most recent call last): 215 216 ... 216 217 ValidationError: [u'INVALID'] 217 >>> f.clean( {})218 >>> f.clean(SimpleUploadedFile('name', None)) 218 219 Traceback (most recent call last): 219 220 ... 220 ValidationError: [u' MISSING']221 >>> f.clean( {'filename': 'name', 'content':''})221 ValidationError: [u'EMPTY FILE'] 222 >>> f.clean(SimpleUploadedFile('name', '')) 222 223 Traceback (most recent call last): 223 224 ... 224 225 ValidationError: [u'EMPTY FILE'] -
26 26 from regressions import tests as regression_tests 27 27 from util import tests as util_tests 28 28 from widgets import tests as widgets_tests 29 from warnings import filterwarnings 30 filterwarnings("ignore") 29 31 30 32 __test__ = { 31 33 'extra_tests': extra_tests, -
2 2 tests = r""" 3 3 >>> from django.newforms import * 4 4 >>> from django.newforms.widgets import RadioFieldRenderer 5 >>> from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile 5 6 >>> import datetime 6 7 >>> import time 7 8 >>> import re … … 773 774 >>> f.clean({}) 774 775 Traceback (most recent call last): 775 776 ... 776 ValidationError: [u'No file was submitted. ']777 ValidationError: [u'No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form.'] 777 778 778 779 >>> f.clean({}, '') 779 780 Traceback (most recent call last): 780 781 ... 781 ValidationError: [u'No file was submitted. ']782 ValidationError: [u'No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form.'] 782 783 783 784 >>> f.clean({}, 'files/test3.pdf') 784 785 'files/test3.pdf' … … 788 789 ... 789 790 ValidationError: [u'No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form.'] 790 791 791 >>> f.clean( {'filename': 'name', 'content': None})792 >>> f.clean(SimpleUploadedFile('name', None)) 792 793 Traceback (most recent call last): 793 794 ... 794 795 ValidationError: [u'The submitted file is empty.'] 795 796 796 >>> f.clean( {'filename': 'name', 'content': ''})797 >>> f.clean(SimpleUploadedFile('name', '')) 797 798 Traceback (most recent call last): 798 799 ... 799 800 ValidationError: [u'The submitted file is empty.'] 800 801 801 >>> type(f.clean( {'filename': 'name', 'content': 'Some File Content'}))802 >>> type(f.clean(SimpleUploadedFile('name', 'Some File Content'))) 802 803 <class 'django.newforms.fields.UploadedFile'> 803 804 804 >>> type(f.clean( {'filename': 'name', 'content': 'Some File Content'}, 'files/test4.pdf'))805 >>> type(f.clean(SimpleUploadedFile('name', 'Some File Content'), 'files/test4.pdf')) 805 806 <class 'django.newforms.fields.UploadedFile'> 806 807 807 808 # URLField ################################################################## -
1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 2 tests = r""" 3 3 >>> from django.newforms import * 4 >>> from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile 4 5 >>> import datetime 5 6 >>> import time 6 7 >>> import re … … 1465 1466 >>> print f 1466 1467 <tr><th>File1:</th><td><ul class="errorlist"><li>This field is required.</li></ul><input type="file" name="file1" /></td></tr> 1467 1468 1468 >>> f = FileForm(data={}, files={'file1': {'filename': 'name', 'content':''}}, auto_id=False)1469 >>> f = FileForm(data={}, files={'file1': SimpleUploadedFile('name', '')}, auto_id=False) 1469 1470 >>> print f 1470 1471 <tr><th>File1:</th><td><ul class="errorlist"><li>The submitted file is empty.</li></ul><input type="file" name="file1" /></td></tr> 1471 1472 … … 1473 1474 >>> print f 1474 1475 <tr><th>File1:</th><td><ul class="errorlist"><li>No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form.</li></ul><input type="file" name="file1" /></td></tr> 1475 1476 1476 >>> f = FileForm(data={}, files={'file1': {'filename': 'name', 'content':'some content'}}, auto_id=False)1477 >>> f = FileForm(data={}, files={'file1': SimpleUploadedFile('name', 'some content')}, auto_id=False) 1477 1478 >>> print f 1478 1479 <tr><th>File1:</th><td><input type="file" name="file1" /></td></tr> 1479 1480 >>> f.is_valid() -
1 1 import os 2 import sha 2 3 3 4 from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required 4 5 from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseServerError … … 13 14 Check that a file upload can be updated into the POST dictionary without 14 15 going pear-shaped. 15 16 """ 17 from django.core.files.uploadedfile import UploadedFile 16 18 form_data = request.POST.copy() 17 19 form_data.update(request.FILES) 18 if isinstance(form_data ['file_field'], dict) and isinstance(form_data['name'], unicode):20 if isinstance(form_data.get('file_field'), UploadedFile) and isinstance(form_data['name'], unicode): 19 21 # If a file is posted, the dummy client should only post the file name, 20 22 # not the full path. 21 23 if os.path.dirname(form_data['file_field']['filename']) != '': … … 24 26 else: 25 27 return HttpResponseServerError() 26 28 29 def file_upload_view_verify(request): 30 """ 31 Use the sha digest hash to verify the uploaded contents. 32 """ 33 from django.core.files.uploadedfile import UploadedFile 34 form_data = request.POST.copy() 35 form_data.update(request.FILES) 36 37 # Check to see if unicode names worked out. 38 if not request.FILES['file_unicode'].file_name.endswith(u'test_\u4e2d\u6587_Orl\xe9ans.jpg'): 39 return HttpResponseServerError() 40 41 for key, value in form_data.items(): 42 if key.endswith('_hash'): 43 continue 44 if key + '_hash' not in form_data: 45 continue 46 submitted_hash = form_data[key + '_hash'] 47 if isinstance(value, UploadedFile): 48 new_hash = sha.new(value.read()).hexdigest() 49 else: 50 new_hash = sha.new(value).hexdigest() 51 if new_hash != submitted_hash: 52 return HttpResponseServerError() 53 54 return HttpResponse('') 55 27 56 def staff_only_view(request): 28 57 "A view that can only be visited by staff. Non staff members get an exception" 29 58 if request.user.is_staff: 30 59 return HttpResponse('') 31 60 else: 32 61 raise SuspiciousOperation() 33 62 34 63 def get_view(request): 35 64 "A simple login protected view" 36 65 return HttpResponse("Hello world") -
6 6 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse 7 7 from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation 8 8 import os 9 import sha 9 10 10 11 class AssertContainsTests(TestCase): 11 12 def test_contains(self): … … 250 251 response = self.client.post('/test_client_regress/file_upload/', post_data) 251 252 self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) 252 253 254 def test_large_upload(self): 255 import tempfile 256 dir = tempfile.gettempdir() 257 258 (fd, name1) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.file1', dir=dir) 259 file1 = os.fdopen(fd, 'w+b') 260 file1.write('a' * (2 ** 21)) 261 file1.seek(0) 262 263 (fd, name2) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.file2', dir=dir) 264 file2 = os.fdopen(fd, 'w+b') 265 file2.write('a' * (10 * 2 ** 20)) 266 file2.seek(0) 267 268 # This file contains chinese symbols for a name. 269 name3 = os.path.join(dir, u'test_中文_Orl\u00e9ans.jpg') 270 file3 = open(name3, 'w+b') 271 file3.write('b' * (2 ** 10)) 272 file3.seek(0) 273 274 post_data = { 275 'name': 'Ringo', 276 'file_field1': file1, 277 'file_field2': file2, 278 'file_unicode': file3, 279 } 280 281 for key in post_data.keys(): 282 try: 283 post_data[key + '_hash'] = sha.new(post_data[key].read()).hexdigest() 284 post_data[key].seek(0) 285 except AttributeError: 286 post_data[key + '_hash'] = sha.new(post_data[key]).hexdigest() 287 288 response = self.client.post('/test_client_regress/file_upload_verify/', post_data) 289 290 for name in (name1, name2, name3): 291 try: 292 os.unlink(name) 293 except: 294 pass 295 296 self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) 297 253 298 class LoginTests(TestCase): 254 299 fixtures = ['testdata'] 255 300 -
4 4 urlpatterns = patterns('', 5 5 (r'^no_template_view/$', views.no_template_view), 6 6 (r'^file_upload/$', views.file_upload_view), 7 (r'^file_upload_verify/$', views.file_upload_view_verify), 7 8 (r'^staff_only/$', views.staff_only_view), 8 9 (r'^get_view/$', views.get_view), 9 10 url(r'^arg_view/(?P<name>.+)/$', views.view_with_argument, name='arg_view'), -
117 117 >>> d['person']['2']['firstname'] 118 118 ['Adrian'] 119 119 120 ### FileDict ################################################################ 121 122 >>> d = FileDict({'content': 'once upon a time...'}) 120 ### ImmutableList ################################################################ 121 >>> d = ImmutableList(range(10)) 122 >>> d.sort() 123 Traceback (most recent call last): 124 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 125 File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/django/utils/datastructures.py", line 359, in complain 126 raise AttributeError, self.warning 127 AttributeError: ImmutableList object is immutable. 123 128 >>> repr(d) 124 "{'content': '<omitted>'}" 125 >>> d = FileDict({'other-key': 'once upon a time...'}) 126 >>> repr(d) 127 "{'other-key': 'once upon a time...'}" 129 '(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)' 130 >>> d = ImmutableList(range(10), warning="Object is immutable!") 131 >>> d[1] 132 1 133 >>> d[1] = 'test' 134 Traceback (most recent call last): 135 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 136 File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/django/utils/datastructures.py", line 359, in complain 137 raise AttributeError, self.warning 138 AttributeError: Object is immutable! 128 139 """ -
59 59 Arthur <avandorp@gmail.com> 60 60 av0000@mail.ru 61 61 David Avsajanishvili <avsd05@gmail.com> 62 axiak@mit.edu62 Mike Axiak <axiak@mit.edu> 63 63 Niran Babalola <niran@niran.org> 64 64 Morten Bagai <m@bagai.com> 65 65 Mikaël Barbero <mikael.barbero nospam at nospam free.fr> … … 139 139 Marc Fargas <telenieko@telenieko.com> 140 140 Szilveszter Farkas <szilveszter.farkas@gmail.com> 141 141 favo@exoweb.net 142 fdr <drfarina@gmail.com> 142 143 Dmitri Fedortchenko <zeraien@gmail.com> 143 144 Liang Feng <hutuworm@gmail.com> 144 145 Bill Fenner <fenner@gmail.com> -
80 80 strings. 81 81 82 82 ``FILES`` 83 **New in Django development version** 83 84 A dictionary-like object containing all uploaded files. Each key in 84 85 ``FILES`` is the ``name`` from the ``<input type="file" name="" />``. Each 85 value in ``FILES`` is a standard Python dictionary with the following three86 keys:86 value in ``FILES`` is an ``UploadedFile`` object containing at least the 87 following attributes: 87 88 88 * ``filename`` -- The name of the uploaded file, as a Python string. 89 * ``content-type`` -- The content type of the uploaded file. 90 * ``content`` -- The raw content of the uploaded file. 89 * ``read(num_bytes=None)`` -- Read a number of bytes from the file. 90 * ``file_name`` -- The name of the uploaded file. 91 * ``file_size`` -- The size, in bytes, of the uploaded file. 92 * ``chunk()`` -- A generator that yields sequential chunks of data. 91 93 92 Note that ``FILES`` will only contain data if the request method was POST93 and the ``<form>`` that posted to the request had94 ``enctype="multipart/form-data"``. Otherwise, ``FILES`` will be a blank95 dictionary-like object.94 See `File Uploads`_ for more information. Note that ``FILES`` will only 95 contain data if the request method was POST and the ``<form>`` that posted 96 to the request had ``enctype="multipart/form-data"``. Otherwise, ``FILES`` 97 will be a blank dictionary-like object. 96 98 99 .. _File Uploads: ../upload_handling/ 100 97 101 ``META`` 98 102 A standard Python dictionary containing all available HTTP headers. 99 103 Available headers depend on the client and server, but here are some -
279 279 280 280 The database backend to use. The build-in database backends are 281 281 ``'postgresql_psycopg2'``, ``'postgresql'``, ``'mysql'``, ``'mysql_old'``, 282 ``'sqlite3'`` and ``'oracle'``.282 ``'sqlite3'``, ``'oracle'``, and ``'oracle'``. 283 283 284 284 In the Django development version, you can use a database backend that doesn't 285 285 ship with Django by setting ``DATABASE_ENGINE`` to a fully-qualified path (i.e. … … 523 523 The character encoding used to decode any files read from disk. This includes 524 524 template files and initial SQL data files. 525 525 526 FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS 527 -------------------- 528 529 **New in Django development version** 530 531 Default:: 532 533 ("django.core.files.fileuploadhandler.MemoryFileUploadHandler", 534 "django.core.files.fileuploadhandler.TemporaryFileUploadHandler",) 535 536 A tuple of handlers to use for uploading. 537 538 FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE 539 --------------------------- 540 541 **New in Django development version** 542 543 Default: ``2621440`` 544 545 The maximum size (in bytes) that an upload will be before it gets streamed to the file system. 546 547 FILE_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR 548 -------------------- 549 550 **New in Django development version** 551 552 Default: ``None`` 553 554 The directory to store data temporarily while uploading files. If ``None``, Django will use the standard temporary directory for the operating system. For example, this will default to '/tmp' on *nix-style operating systems. 555 526 556 FIXTURE_DIRS 527 557 ------------- 528 558 -
805 805 need to bind the file data containing the mugshot image:: 806 806 807 807 # Bound form with an image field 808 >>> from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile 808 809 >>> data = {'subject': 'hello', 809 810 ... 'message': 'Hi there', 810 811 ... 'sender': 'foo@example.com', 811 812 ... 'cc_myself': True} 812 >>> file_data = {'mugshot': {'filename':'face.jpg' 813 ... 'content': <file data>}} 813 >>> file_data = {'mugshot': SimpleUploadedFile('face.jpg', <file data>)} 814 814 >>> f = ContactFormWithMugshot(data, file_data) 815 815 816 816 In practice, you will usually specify ``request.FILES`` as the source