Ticket #17837: markdown-safe-2.diff

File markdown-safe-2.diff, 6.6 KB (added by Preston Holmes, 13 years ago)

Updating to trunk

  • django/contrib/markup/templatetags/markup.py

    diff --git a/django/contrib/markup/templatetags/markup.py b/django/contrib/markup/templatetags/markup.py
    index a6b8dde..b9fdce8 100644
    a b markup syntaxes to HTML; currently there is support for:  
    1111    * reStructuredText, which requires docutils from http://docutils.sf.net/
     14import warnings
    1416from django import template
    1517from django.conf import settings
    1618from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, force_unicode
    def markdown(value, arg=''):  
    6365                safe_mode = True
    6466            else:
    6567                safe_mode = False
     68            python_markdown_deprecation = "The use of Python-Markdown "
     69            "< 2.1 in Django is deprecated; please update to the current version"
    6770            # Unicode support only in markdown v1.7 or above. Version_info
    6871            # exist only in markdown v1.6.2rc-2 or above.
    69             if getattr(markdown, "version_info", None) < (1,7):
     72            markdown_vers = getattr(markdown, "version_info", None)
     73            if markdown_vers < (1,7):
     74                warnings.warn(python_markdown_deprecation, DeprecationWarning)
    7075                return mark_safe(force_unicode(markdown.markdown(smart_str(value), extensions, safe_mode=safe_mode)))
    7176            else:
    72                 return mark_safe(markdown.markdown(force_unicode(value), extensions, safe_mode=safe_mode))
     77                if markdown_vers >= (2,1):
     78                    if safe_mode:
     79                        return mark_safe(markdown.markdown(force_unicode(value), extensions, safe_mode=safe_mode, enable_attributes=False))
     80                    else:
     81                        return mark_safe(markdown.markdown(force_unicode(value), extensions, safe_mode=safe_mode))
     82                else:
     83                    warnings.warn(python_markdown_deprecation, DeprecationWarning)
     84                    return mark_safe(markdown.markdown(force_unicode(value), extensions, safe_mode=safe_mode))
    7385        else:
     86            warnings.warn(python_markdown_deprecation, DeprecationWarning)
    7487            return mark_safe(force_unicode(markdown.markdown(smart_str(value))))
  • django/contrib/markup/tests.py

    diff --git a/django/contrib/markup/tests.py b/django/contrib/markup/tests.py
    index 2eb64d5..4539657 100644
    a b Paragraph 2 with a link_  
    5858        pattern = re.compile("""<p>Paragraph 1\s*</p>\s*<h2>\s*An h2</h2>""")
    5959        self.assertTrue(pattern.match(rendered))
     61    @unittest.skipUnless(markdown, 'markdown no installed')
     62    def test_markdown_attribute_disable(self):
     63        t = Template("{% load markup %}{{ markdown_content|markdown:'safe' }}")
     64        markdown_content = "{@onclick=alert('hi')}some paragraph"
     65        rendered = t.render(Context({'markdown_content':markdown_content})).strip()
     66        self.assertTrue('@' in rendered)
     68    @unittest.skipUnless(markdown, 'markdown no installed')
     69    def test_markdown_attribute_enable(self):
     70        t = Template("{% load markup %}{{ markdown_content|markdown }}")
     71        markdown_content = "{@onclick=alert('hi')}some paragraph"
     72        rendered = t.render(Context({'markdown_content':markdown_content})).strip()
     73        self.assertFalse('@' in rendered)
    6175    @unittest.skipIf(markdown, 'markdown is installed')
    6276    def test_no_markdown(self):
    6377        t = Template("{% load markup %}{{ markdown_content|markdown }}")
  • docs/internals/deprecation.txt

    diff --git a/docs/internals/deprecation.txt b/docs/internals/deprecation.txt
    index cb91a1c..81ca7af 100644
    a b these changes.  
    196196  filesystem path to a ``locale`` directory containing non-app-specific
    197197  translations in its value.
     199* The Markup contrib app will no longer support versions of Python-Markdown
     200  library earlier than 2.1. An accelerated timeline was used as this was
     201  a security related deprecation.
  • docs/ref/contrib/markup.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/contrib/markup.txt b/docs/ref/contrib/markup.txt
    index d671e46..3abc27b 100644
    a b override the default writer settings. See the `restructuredtext writer  
    4747settings`_ for details on what these settings are.
    4949.. _restructuredtext writer settings: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/config.html#html4css1-writer
     54The Python Markdown library supports options named "safe_mode" and
     55"enable_attributes". Both relate to the security of the output. To enable both
     56options in tandem, the markdown filter supports the "safe" argument.
     58    {{ markdown_content_var|markdown:"safe" }}
     60.. warning::
     62    Versions of the Python-Markdown library prior to 2.1 do not support the
     63    optional disabling of attributes and by default they will be included in
     64    any output from the markdown filter - a warning is issued if this is the
     65    case.
  • docs/releases/1.4.txt

    diff --git a/docs/releases/1.4.txt b/docs/releases/1.4.txt
    index c3bbe48..dd3806e 100644
    a b field. This was something that should not have worked, and in 1.4 loading such  
    10961096incomplete fixtures will fail. Because fixtures are a raw import, they should
    10971097explicitly specify all field values, regardless of field options on the model.
     1099Attributes disabled in markdown when safe mode set
     1102Prior to Django 1.4, attributes were included in any markdown output regardless
     1103of safe mode setting of the filter. With version > 2.1 of the Python-Markdown
     1104library, an enable_attributes option was added. When the safe argument is
     1105passed to the markdown filter, both the ``safe_mode=True`` and
     1106``enable_attributes=False`` options are set. If using a version of the
     1107Python-Markdown library less than 2.1, a warning is issued that the output is
    11001110Features deprecated in 1.4
    each request to a site map now creates a new Paginator object and calls the  
    12621272``items()`` method is doing, this may have a negative performance impact.
    12631273To mitigate the performance impact, consider using the :doc:`caching
    12641274framework </topics/cache>` within your ``Sitemap`` subclass.
     1276Versions of Python-Markdown earlier than 2.1
     1279Versions of Python-Markdown earlier than 2.1 do not support the option to
     1280disable attributes. As a security issue, earlier versions of this library will
     1281not be supported by the markup contrib app in 1.5 under an accerlated
     1282deprecation timeline.
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