Ticket #17653: ticket_17653_v3.diff

File ticket_17653_v3.diff, 4.7 KB (added by Christopher Medrela, 13 years ago)
  • django/db/backends/__init__.py

    diff --git a/django/db/backends/__init__.py b/django/db/backends/__init__.py
    index ebe8875..a94a2f7 100644
    a b class BaseDatabaseOperations(object):  
    762762    # need not necessarily be implemented using "LIKE" in the backend.
    763763    prep_for_iexact_query = prep_for_like_query
     765    def validate_autopk_value(self, value):
     766        """
     767        Certain backends does not accept certain values for primary key
     768        (for example zero in MySQL). It raises ValueError if value is invalid
     769        otherwise it returns validated value.
     770        """
     771        return value
    765773    def value_to_db_date(self, value):
    766774        """
    767775        Transform a date value to an object compatible with what is expected
  • django/db/backends/mysql/base.py

    diff --git a/django/db/backends/mysql/base.py b/django/db/backends/mysql/base.py
    index 830808b..4791699 100644
    a b class DatabaseOperations(BaseDatabaseOperations):  
    257257        else:
    258258            return []
     260    def validate_autopk_value(self, value):
     261        if value == 0:
     262            raise ValueError('The database backend does not accept %s as a '
     263                             'value for AutoField.' % (value,))
     264        return value
    260266    def value_to_db_datetime(self, value):
    261267        if value is None:
    262268            return None
  • django/db/models/fields/__init__.py

    diff --git a/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py b/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py
    index 22546c2..f85ce4b 100644
    a b class AutoField(Field):  
    531531    def validate(self, value, model_instance):
    532532        pass
     534    def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False):
     535        if not prepared:
     536            value = self.get_prep_value(value)
     537            value = connection.ops.validate_autopk_value(value)
     538        return value
    534540    def get_prep_value(self, value):
    535541        if value is None:
    536542            return None
  • tests/regressiontests/backends/tests.py

    diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/backends/tests.py b/tests/regressiontests/backends/tests.py
    index cfb662e..54d7003 100644
    a b from django.db import (backend, connection, connections, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS,  
    1313from django.db.backends.signals import connection_created
    1414from django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2 import version as pg_version
    1515from django.db.utils import ConnectionHandler, DatabaseError, load_backend
    16 from django.test import TestCase, skipUnlessDBFeature, TransactionTestCase
     16from django.test import (TestCase, skipUnlessDBFeature, skipIfDBFeature,
     17    TransactionTestCase)
    1718from django.test.utils import override_settings
    1819from django.utils import unittest
    2020from . import models
    class BackendLoadingTests(TestCase):  
    618618        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ImproperlyConfigured,
    619619            "Try using django.db.backends.sqlite3 instead",
    620620            load_backend, 'sqlite3')
     623class MySQLPKZeroTests(TestCase):
     624    """
     625    Zero as id for AutoField should raise exception in MySQL, because MySQL
     626    does not allow zero for automatic primary key.
     627    """
     629    @skipIfDBFeature('allows_primary_key_0')
     630    def test_zero_as_autoval(self):
     631        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     632            models.Square.objects.create(id=0, root=0, square=1)
     633 No newline at end of file
  • tests/regressiontests/bulk_create/tests.py

    diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/bulk_create/tests.py b/tests/regressiontests/bulk_create/tests.py
    index 0fa142b..7cd51f4 100644
    a b from __future__ import with_statement, absolute_import  
    33from operator import attrgetter
    5 from django.test import TestCase, skipUnlessDBFeature
     5from django.test import TestCase, skipIfDBFeature, skipUnlessDBFeature
    77from .models import Country, Restaurant, Pizzeria, State
    class BulkCreateTests(TestCase):  
    5656            ])
    5757        self.assertQuerysetEqual(State.objects.order_by("two_letter_code"), [
    5858            "CA", "IL", "ME", "NY",
    59         ], attrgetter("two_letter_code"))
    60  No newline at end of file
     59        ], attrgetter("two_letter_code"))
     61    @skipIfDBFeature('allows_primary_key_0')
     62    def test_zero_as_autoval(self):
     63        """
     64        Zero as id for AutoField should raise exception in MySQL, because MySQL
     65        does not allow zero for automatic primary key.
     66        """
     68        valid_country = Country(name='Germany', iso_two_letter='DE')
     69        invalid_country = Country(id=0, name='Poland', iso_two_letter='PL')
     70        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     71            Country.objects.bulk_create([valid_country, invalid_country])
     72 No newline at end of file
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