Ticket #17605: 17605-5.diff

File 17605-5.diff, 24.7 KB (added by Ramiro Morales, 13 years ago)

zsiciarz's patch plus some ReST/Sphinx tweaks

  • new file docs/topics/db/examples/index.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/db/examples/index.txt b/docs/topics/db/examples/index.txt
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     2Examples of model relationship API usage
     5.. toctree::
     6   :maxdepth: 1
     8   many_to_many
     9   many_to_one
     10   one_to_one
  • new file docs/topics/db/examples/many_to_many.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/db/examples/many_to_many.txt b/docs/topics/db/examples/many_to_many.txt
    new file mode 100644
    - +  
     2Many-to-many relationships
     5.. highlight:: pycon
     7To define a many-to-many relationship, use :ref:`ref-manytomany`.
     9In this example, an ``Article`` can be published in multiple ``Publication``
     10objects, and a ``Publication`` has multiple ``Article`` objects:
     12.. code-block:: python
     14    from django.db import models
     16    class Publication(models.Model):
     17        title = models.CharField(max_length=30)
     19        def __unicode__(self):
     20            return self.title
     22        class Meta:
     23            ordering = ('title',)
     25    class Article(models.Model):
     26        headline = models.CharField(max_length=100)
     27        publications = models.ManyToManyField(Publication)
     29        def __unicode__(self):
     30            return self.headline
     32        class Meta:
     33            ordering = ('headline',)
     35What follows are examples of operations that can be performed using the Python
     36API facilities.
     38Create a couple of Publications::
     40    >>> p1 = Publication(title='The Python Journal')
     41    >>> p1.save()
     42    >>> p2 = Publication(title='Science News')
     43    >>> p2.save()
     44    >>> p3 = Publication(title='Science Weekly')
     45    >>> p3.save()
     47Create an Article::
     49    >>> a1 = Article(headline='Django lets you build Web apps easily')
     51You can't associate it with a Publication until it's been saved::
     53    >>> a1.publications.add(p1)
     54    Traceback (most recent call last):
     55    ...
     56    ValueError: 'Article' instance needs to have a primary key value before a many-to-many relationship can be used.
     58Save it!
     61    >>> a1.save()
     63Associate the Article with a Publication::
     65    >>> a1.publications.add(p1)
     67Create another Article, and set it to appear in both Publications::
     69    >>> a2 = Article(headline='NASA uses Python')
     70    >>> a2.save()
     71    >>> a2.publications.add(p1, p2)
     72    >>> a2.publications.add(p3)
     74Adding a second time is OK::
     76    >>> a2.publications.add(p3)
     78Adding an object of the wrong type raises TypeError::
     80    >>> a2.publications.add(a1)
     81    Traceback (most recent call last):
     82    ...
     83    TypeError: 'Publication' instance expected
     85Add a Publication directly via publications.add by using keyword arguments::
     87    >>> new_publication = a2.publications.create(title='Highlights for Children')
     89Article objects have access to their related Publication objects::
     91    >>> a1.publications.all()
     92    [<Publication: The Python Journal>]
     93    >>> a2.publications.all()
     94    [<Publication: Highlights for Children>, <Publication: Science News>, <Publication: Science Weekly>, <Publication: The Python Journal>]
     96Publication objects have access to their related Article objects::
     98    >>> p2.article_set.all()
     99    [<Article: NASA uses Python>]
     100    >>> p1.article_set.all()
     101    [<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>, <Article: NASA uses Python>]
     102    >>> Publication.objects.get(id=4).article_set.all()
     103    [<Article: NASA uses Python>]
     105Many-to-many relationships can be queried using :ref:`lookups across relationships <lookups-that-span-relationships>`::
     107    >>> Article.objects.filter(publications__id__exact=1)
     108    [<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>, <Article: NASA uses Python>]
     109    >>> Article.objects.filter(publications__pk=1)
     110    [<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>, <Article: NASA uses Python>]
     111    >>> Article.objects.filter(publications=1)
     112    [<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>, <Article: NASA uses Python>]
     113    >>> Article.objects.filter(publications=p1)
     114    [<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>, <Article: NASA uses Python>]
     116    >>> Article.objects.filter(publications__title__startswith="Science")
     117    [<Article: NASA uses Python>, <Article: NASA uses Python>]
     119    >>> Article.objects.filter(publications__title__startswith="Science").distinct()
     120    [<Article: NASA uses Python>]
     122The count() function respects distinct() as well::
     124    >>> Article.objects.filter(publications__title__startswith="Science").count()
     125    2
     127    >>> Article.objects.filter(publications__title__startswith="Science").distinct().count()
     128    1
     130    >>> Article.objects.filter(publications__in=[1,2]).distinct()
     131    [<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>, <Article: NASA uses Python>]
     132    >>> Article.objects.filter(publications__in=[p1,p2]).distinct()
     133    [<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>, <Article: NASA uses Python>]
     135Reverse m2m queries are supported (i.e., starting at the table that doesn't have
     136a ManyToManyField)::
     138    >>> Publication.objects.filter(id__exact=1)
     139    [<Publication: The Python Journal>]
     140    >>> Publication.objects.filter(pk=1)
     141    [<Publication: The Python Journal>]
     143    >>> Publication.objects.filter(article__headline__startswith="NASA")
     144    [<Publication: Highlights for Children>, <Publication: Science News>, <Publication: Science Weekly>, <Publication: The Python Journal>]
     146    >>> Publication.objects.filter(article__id__exact=1)
     147    [<Publication: The Python Journal>]
     148    >>> Publication.objects.filter(article__pk=1)
     149    [<Publication: The Python Journal>]
     150    >>> Publication.objects.filter(article=1)
     151    [<Publication: The Python Journal>]
     152    >>> Publication.objects.filter(article=a1)
     153    [<Publication: The Python Journal>]
     155    >>> Publication.objects.filter(article__in=[1,2]).distinct()
     156    [<Publication: Highlights for Children>, <Publication: Science News>, <Publication: Science Weekly>, <Publication: The Python Journal>]
     157    >>> Publication.objects.filter(article__in=[a1,a2]).distinct()
     158    [<Publication: Highlights for Children>, <Publication: Science News>, <Publication: Science Weekly>, <Publication: The Python Journal>]
     160Excluding a related item works as you would expect, too (although the SQL
     161involved is a little complex)::
     163    >>> Article.objects.exclude(publications=p2)
     164    [<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>]
     166If we delete a Publication, its Articles won't be able to access it::
     168    >>> p1.delete()
     169    >>> Publication.objects.all()
     170    [<Publication: Highlights for Children>, <Publication: Science News>, <Publication: Science Weekly>]
     171    >>> a1 = Article.objects.get(pk=1)
     172    >>> a1.publications.all()
     173    []
     175If we delete an Article, its Publications won't be able to access it::
     177    >>> a2.delete()
     178    >>> Article.objects.all()
     179    [<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>]
     180    >>> p2.article_set.all()
     181    []
     183Adding via the 'other' end of an m2m::
     185    >>> a4 = Article(headline='NASA finds intelligent life on Earth')
     186    >>> a4.save()
     187    >>> p2.article_set.add(a4)
     188    >>> p2.article_set.all()
     189    [<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>]
     190    >>> a4.publications.all()
     191    [<Publication: Science News>]
     193Adding via the other end using keywords::
     195    >>> new_article = p2.article_set.create(headline='Oxygen-free diet works wonders')
     196    >>> p2.article_set.all()
     197    [<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>, <Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>]
     198    >>> a5 = p2.article_set.all()[1]
     199    >>> a5.publications.all()
     200    [<Publication: Science News>]
     202Removing publication from an article::
     204    >>> a4.publications.remove(p2)
     205    >>> p2.article_set.all()
     206    [<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>]
     207    >>> a4.publications.all()
     208    []
     210And from the other end::
     212    >>> p2.article_set.remove(a5)
     213    >>> p2.article_set.all()
     214    []
     215    >>> a5.publications.all()
     216    []
     218Relation sets can be assigned. Assignment clears any existing set members::
     220    >>> a4.publications.all()
     221    [<Publication: Science News>]
     222    >>> a4.publications = [p3]
     223    >>> a4.publications.all()
     224    [<Publication: Science Weekly>]
     226Relation sets can be cleared::
     228    >>> p2.article_set.clear()
     229    >>> p2.article_set.all()
     230    []
     232And you can clear from the other end::
     234    >>> p2.article_set.add(a4, a5)
     235    >>> p2.article_set.all()
     236    [<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>, <Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>]
     237    >>> a4.publications.all()
     238    [<Publication: Science News>, <Publication: Science Weekly>]
     239    >>> a4.publications.clear()
     240    >>> a4.publications.all()
     241    []
     242    >>> p2.article_set.all()
     243    [<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>]
     245Recreate the article and Publication we have deleted::
     247    >>> p1 = Publication(title='The Python Journal')
     248    >>> p1.save()
     249    >>> a2 = Article(headline='NASA uses Python')
     250    >>> a2.save()
     251    >>> a2.publications.add(p1, p2, p3)
     253Bulk delete some Publications - references to deleted publications should go::
     255    >>> Publication.objects.filter(title__startswith='Science').delete()
     256    >>> Publication.objects.all()
     257    [<Publication: Highlights for Children>, <Publication: The Python Journal>]
     258    >>> Article.objects.all()
     259    [<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>, <Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>, <Article: NASA uses Python>, <Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>]
     260    >>> a2.publications.all()
     261    [<Publication: The Python Journal>]
     263Bulk delete some articles - references to deleted objects should go::
     265    >>> q = Article.objects.filter(headline__startswith='Django')
     266    >>> print q
     267    [<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>]
     268    >>> q.delete()
     270After the delete, the QuerySet cache needs to be cleared, and the referenced
     271objects should be gone::
     273    >>> print q
     274    []
     275    >>> p1.article_set.all()
     276    [<Article: NASA uses Python>]
     278An alternate to calling clear() is to assign the empty set::
     280    >>> p1.article_set = []
     281    >>> p1.article_set.all()
     282    []
     284    >>> a2.publications = [p1, new_publication]
     285    >>> a2.publications.all()
     286    [<Publication: Highlights for Children>, <Publication: The Python Journal>]
     287    >>> a2.publications = []
     288    >>> a2.publications.all()
     289    []
  • new file docs/topics/db/examples/many_to_one.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/db/examples/many_to_one.txt b/docs/topics/db/examples/many_to_one.txt
    new file mode 100644
    - +  
     2Many-to-one relationships
     5.. highlight:: pycon
     7To define a many-to-one relationship, use :class:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey`.
     9.. code-block:: python
     11    from django.db import models
     13    class Reporter(models.Model):
     14        first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
     15        last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
     16        email = models.EmailField()
     18        def __unicode__(self):
     19            return u"%s %s" % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
     21    class Article(models.Model):
     22        headline = models.CharField(max_length=100)
     23        pub_date = models.DateField()
     24        reporter = models.ForeignKey(Reporter)
     26        def __unicode__(self):
     27            return self.headline
     29        class Meta:
     30            ordering = ('headline',)
     32What follows are examples of operations that can be performed using the Python
     33API facilities.
     35Create a few Reporters::
     37    >>> r = Reporter(first_name='John', last_name='Smith', email='john@example.com')
     38    >>> r.save()
     40    >>> r2 = Reporter(first_name='Paul', last_name='Jones', email='paul@example.com')
     41    >>> r2.save()
     43Create an Article::
     45    >>> from datetime import datetime
     46    >>> a = Article(id=None, headline="This is a test", pub_date=datetime(2005, 7, 27), reporter=r)
     47    >>> a.save()
     49    >>> a.reporter.id
     50    1
     52    >>> a.reporter
     53    <Reporter: John Smith>
     55Article objects have access to their related Reporter objects::
     57    >>> r = a.reporter
     59These are strings instead of unicode strings because that's what was used in
     60the creation of this reporter (and we haven't refreshed the data from the
     61database, which always returns unicode strings)::
     63    >>> r.first_name, r.last_name
     64    ('John', 'Smith')
     66Create an Article via the Reporter object::
     68    >>> new_article = r.article_set.create(headline="John's second story", pub_date=datetime(2005, 7, 29))
     69    >>> new_article
     70    <Article: John's second story>
     71    >>> new_article.reporter
     72    <Reporter: John Smith>
     73    >>> new_article.reporter.id
     74    1
     76Create a new article, and add it to the article set::
     78    >>> new_article2 = Article(headline="Paul's story", pub_date=datetime(2006, 1, 17))
     79    >>> r.article_set.add(new_article2)
     80    >>> new_article2.reporter
     81    <Reporter: John Smith>
     82    >>> new_article2.reporter.id
     83    1
     84    >>> r.article_set.all()
     85    [<Article: John's second story>, <Article: Paul's story>, <Article: This is a test>]
     87Add the same article to a different article set - check that it moves::
     89    >>> r2.article_set.add(new_article2)
     90    >>> new_article2.reporter.id
     91    2
     92    >>> new_article2.reporter
     93    <Reporter: Paul Jones>
     95Adding an object of the wrong type raises TypeError::
     97    >>> r.article_set.add(r2)
     98    Traceback (most recent call last):
     99    ...
     100    TypeError: 'Article' instance expected
     102    >>> r.article_set.all()
     103    [<Article: John's second story>, <Article: This is a test>]
     104    >>> r2.article_set.all()
     105    [<Article: Paul's story>]
     107    >>> r.article_set.count()
     108    2
     110    >>> r2.article_set.count()
     111    1
     113Note that in the last example the article has moved from John to Paul.
     115Related managers support field lookups as well.
     116The API automatically follows relationships as far as you need.
     117Use double underscores to separate relationships.
     118This works as many levels deep as you want. There's no limit. For example::
     120    >>> r.article_set.filter(headline__startswith='This')
     121    [<Article: This is a test>]
     123    # Find all Articles for any Reporter whose first name is "John".
     124    >>> Article.objects.filter(reporter__first_name__exact='John')
     125    [<Article: John's second story>, <Article: This is a test>]
     127Exact match is implied here::
     129    >>> Article.objects.filter(reporter__first_name='John')
     130    [<Article: John's second story>, <Article: This is a test>]
     132Query twice over the related field. This translates to an AND condition in the
     133WHERE clause::
     135    >>> Article.objects.filter(reporter__first_name__exact='John', reporter__last_name__exact='Smith')
     136    [<Article: John's second story>, <Article: This is a test>]
     138For the related lookup you can supply a primary key value or pass the related
     139object explicitly::
     141    >>> Article.objects.filter(reporter__pk=1)
     142    [<Article: John's second story>, <Article: This is a test>]
     143    >>> Article.objects.filter(reporter=1)
     144    [<Article: John's second story>, <Article: This is a test>]
     145    >>> Article.objects.filter(reporter=r)
     146    [<Article: John's second story>, <Article: This is a test>]
     148    >>> Article.objects.filter(reporter__in=[1,2]).distinct()
     149    [<Article: John's second story>, <Article: Paul's story>, <Article: This is a test>]
     150    >>> Article.objects.filter(reporter__in=[r,r2]).distinct()
     151    [<Article: John's second story>, <Article: Paul's story>, <Article: This is a test>]
     153You can also use a queryset instead of a literal list of instances::
     155    >>> Article.objects.filter(reporter__in=Reporter.objects.filter(first_name='John')).distinct()
     156    [<Article: John's second story>, <Article: This is a test>]
     158Querying in the opposite direction::
     160    >>> Reporter.objects.filter(article__pk=1)
     161    [<Reporter: John Smith>]
     162    >>> Reporter.objects.filter(article=1)
     163    [<Reporter: John Smith>]
     164    >>> Reporter.objects.filter(article=a)
     165    [<Reporter: John Smith>]
     167    >>> Reporter.objects.filter(article__headline__startswith='This')
     168    [<Reporter: John Smith>, <Reporter: John Smith>, <Reporter: John Smith>]
     169    >>> Reporter.objects.filter(article__headline__startswith='This').distinct()
     170    [<Reporter: John Smith>]
     172Counting in the opposite direction works in conjunction with distinct()::
     174    >>> Reporter.objects.filter(article__headline__startswith='This').count()
     175    3
     176    >>> Reporter.objects.filter(article__headline__startswith='This').distinct().count()
     177    1
     179Queries can go round in circles::
     181    >>> Reporter.objects.filter(article__reporter__first_name__startswith='John')
     182    [<Reporter: John Smith>, <Reporter: John Smith>, <Reporter: John Smith>, <Reporter: John Smith>]
     183    >>> Reporter.objects.filter(article__reporter__first_name__startswith='John').distinct()
     184    [<Reporter: John Smith>]
     185    >>> Reporter.objects.filter(article__reporter__exact=r).distinct()
     186    [<Reporter: John Smith>]
     188If you delete a reporter, his articles will be deleted (assuming that the
     189ForeignKey was defined with :attr:`django.db.models.ForeignKey.on_delete` set to
     190``CASCADE``, which is the default)::
     192    >>> Article.objects.all()
     193    [<Article: John's second story>, <Article: Paul's story>, <Article: This is a test>]
     194    >>> Reporter.objects.order_by('first_name')
     195    [<Reporter: John Smith>, <Reporter: Paul Jones>]
     196    >>> r2.delete()
     197    >>> Article.objects.all()
     198    [<Article: John's second story>, <Article: This is a test>]
     199    >>> Reporter.objects.order_by('first_name')
     200    [<Reporter: John Smith>]
     202You can delete using a JOIN in the query::
     204    >>> Reporter.objects.filter(article__headline__startswith='This').delete()
     205    >>> Reporter.objects.all()
     206    []
     207    >>> Article.objects.all()
     208    []
  • new file docs/topics/db/examples/one_to_one.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/db/examples/one_to_one.txt b/docs/topics/db/examples/one_to_one.txt
    new file mode 100644
    - +  
     2One-to-one relationships
     5.. highlight:: pycon
     7To define a one-to-one relationship, use :ref:`ref-onetoone`.
     9In this example, a ``Place`` optionally can be a ``Restaurant``:
     11.. code-block:: python
     13    from django.db import models, transaction, IntegrityError
     15    class Place(models.Model):
     16        name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
     17        address = models.CharField(max_length=80)
     19        def __unicode__(self):
     20            return u"%s the place" % self.name
     22    class Restaurant(models.Model):
     23        place = models.OneToOneField(Place, primary_key=True)
     24        serves_hot_dogs = models.BooleanField()
     25        serves_pizza = models.BooleanField()
     27        def __unicode__(self):
     28            return u"%s the restaurant" % self.place.name
     30    class Waiter(models.Model):
     31        restaurant = models.ForeignKey(Restaurant)
     32        name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
     34        def __unicode__(self):
     35            return u"%s the waiter at %s" % (self.name, self.restaurant)
     37What follows are examples of operations that can be performed using the Python
     38API facilities.
     40Create a couple of Places::
     42    >>> p1 = Place(name='Demon Dogs', address='944 W. Fullerton')
     43    >>> p1.save()
     44    >>> p2 = Place(name='Ace Hardware', address='1013 N. Ashland')
     45    >>> p2.save()
     47Create a Restaurant. Pass the ID of the "parent" object as this object's ID::
     49    >>> r = Restaurant(place=p1, serves_hot_dogs=True, serves_pizza=False)
     50    >>> r.save()
     52A Restaurant can access its place::
     54    >>> r.place
     55    <Place: Demon Dogs the place>
     57A Place can access its restaurant, if available::
     59    >>> p1.restaurant
     60    <Restaurant: Demon Dogs the restaurant>
     62p2 doesn't have an associated restaurant::
     64    >>> p2.restaurant
     65    Traceback (most recent call last):
     66        ...
     67    DoesNotExist: Restaurant matching query does not exist.
     69Set the place using assignment notation. Because place is the primary key on
     70Restaurant, the save will create a new restaurant::
     72    >>> r.place = p2
     73    >>> r.save()
     74    >>> p2.restaurant
     75    <Restaurant: Ace Hardware the restaurant>
     76    >>> r.place
     77    <Place: Ace Hardware the place>
     79Set the place back again, using assignment in the reverse direction::
     81    >>> p1.restaurant = r
     82    >>> p1.restaurant
     83    <Restaurant: Demon Dogs the restaurant>
     85Restaurant.objects.all() just returns the Restaurants, not the Places.  Note
     86that there are two restaurants - Ace Hardware the Restaurant was created in the
     87call to r.place = p2::
     89    >>> Restaurant.objects.all()
     90    [<Restaurant: Demon Dogs the restaurant>, <Restaurant: Ace Hardware the restaurant>]
     92Place.objects.all() returns all Places, regardless of whether they have
     95    >>> Place.objects.order_by('name')
     96    [<Place: Ace Hardware the place>, <Place: Demon Dogs the place>]
     98You can query the models using :ref:`lookups across relationships <lookups-that-span-relationships>`::
     100    >>> Restaurant.objects.get(place=p1)
     101    <Restaurant: Demon Dogs the restaurant>
     102    >>> Restaurant.objects.get(place__pk=1)
     103    <Restaurant: Demon Dogs the restaurant>
     104    >>> Restaurant.objects.filter(place__name__startswith="Demon")
     105    [<Restaurant: Demon Dogs the restaurant>]
     106    >>> Restaurant.objects.exclude(place__address__contains="Ashland")
     107    [<Restaurant: Demon Dogs the restaurant>]
     109This of course works in reverse::
     111    >>> Place.objects.get(pk=1)
     112    <Place: Demon Dogs the place>
     113    >>> Place.objects.get(restaurant__place__exact=p1)
     114    <Place: Demon Dogs the place>
     115    >>> Place.objects.get(restaurant=r)
     116    <Place: Demon Dogs the place>
     117    >>> Place.objects.get(restaurant__place__name__startswith="Demon")
     118    <Place: Demon Dogs the place>
     120Add a Waiter to the Restaurant::
     122    >>> w = r.waiter_set.create(name='Joe')
     123    >>> w.save()
     124    >>> w
     125    <Waiter: Joe the waiter at Demon Dogs the restaurant>
     127Query the waiters::
     129    >>> Waiter.objects.filter(restaurant__place=p1)
     130    [<Waiter: Joe the waiter at Demon Dogs the restaurant>]
     131    >>> Waiter.objects.filter(restaurant__place__name__startswith="Demon")
     132    [<Waiter: Joe the waiter at Demon Dogs the restaurant>]
  • docs/topics/db/index.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/db/index.txt b/docs/topics/db/index.txt
    a b  
    1919   multi-db
    2020   tablespaces
    2121   optimization
     22   examples/index
  • docs/topics/db/models.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/db/models.txt b/docs/topics/db/models.txt
    a b  
    1818* With all of this, Django gives you an automatically-generated
    1919  database-access API; see :doc:`/topics/db/queries`.
    21 .. seealso::
    23     A companion to this document is the `official repository of model
    24     examples`_. (In the Django source distribution, these examples are in the
    25     ``tests/modeltests`` directory.)
    27     .. _official repository of model examples: http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/tests/modeltests
    2921Quick example
    326318    For details on accessing backwards-related objects, see the
    327319    :ref:`Following relationships backward example <backwards-related-objects>`.
    329     For sample code, see the `Many-to-one relationship model tests`_.
    331     .. _Many-to-one relationship model tests: http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/tests/modeltests/many_to_one
     321    For sample code, see the :doc:`Many-to-one relationship model tests
     322    </topics/db/examples/many_to_one>`.
    333324Many-to-many relationships
    377368.. seealso::
    379     See the `Many-to-many relationship model example`_ for a full example.
    381 .. _Many-to-many relationship model example: http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/tests/modeltests/many_to_many/models.py
     370    See the :doc:`Many-to-many relationship model example
     371    </topics/db/examples/many_to_many>` for a full example.
    383373:class:`~django.db.models.ManyToManyField` fields also accept a number of extra
    384374arguments which are explained in :ref:`the model field reference
    570560.. seealso::
    572     See the `One-to-one relationship model example`_ for a full example.
    574 .. _One-to-one relationship model example: http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/tests/modeltests/one_to_one/models.py
     562    See the :doc:`One-to-one relationship model example
     563    </topics/db/examples/one_to_one>` for a full example.
    576565:class:`~django.db.models.OneToOneField` fields also accept one optional argument
    577566described in the :ref:`model field reference <ref-onetoone>`.
  • docs/topics/db/queries.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/db/queries.txt b/docs/topics/db/queries.txt
    a b  
    483483Again, this only scratches the surface. A complete reference can be found in the
    484484:ref:`field lookup reference <field-lookups>`.
     486.. _lookups-that-span-relationships:
    486488Lookups that span relationships
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