Ticket #16214: clean-up-error-views-docs.patch

File clean-up-error-views-docs.patch, 4.5 KB (added by Aymeric Augustin, 13 years ago)
  • docs/topics/http/views.txt

    136136This means you need to define a ``404.html`` template in your root template
    137 directory. This template will be used for all 404 errors.
     137directory. This template will be used for all 404 errors. The default 404 view
     138will pass one variable to the template: ``request_path``, which is the URL
     139that resulted in the error.
    139 This ``page_not_found`` view should suffice for 99% of Web applications, but if
    140 you want to override the 404 view, you can specify ``handler404`` in your
    141 URLconf, like so::
     141The ``page_not_found`` view should suffice for 99% of Web applications, but if
     142you want to override it, you can specify ``handler404`` in your URLconf, like
    143145    handler404 = 'mysite.views.my_custom_404_view'
    145 Behind the scenes, Django determines the 404 view by looking for ``handler404``.
    146 By default, URLconfs contain the following line::
     147Behind the scenes, Django determines the 404 view by looking for
     148``handler404`` in your root URLconf, and falling back to
     149``django.views.defaults.page_not_found`` if you did not define one.
    148     from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
     151Four things to note about 404 views:
    150 That takes care of setting ``handler404`` in the current module. As you can see
    151 in ``django/conf/urls/defaults.py``, ``handler404`` is set to
    152 ``'django.views.defaults.page_not_found'`` by default.
     153    * The 404 view is also called if Django doesn't find a match after
     154      checking every regular expression in the URLconf.
    154 Three things to note about 404 views:
     156    * If you don't define your own 404 view — and simply use the default,
     157      which is recommended — you still have one obligation: you must create a
     158      ``404.html`` template in the root of your template directory.
    156     * The 404 view is also called if Django doesn't find a match after checking
    157       every regular expression in the URLconf.
    159     * If you don't define your own 404 view -- and simply use the
    160       default, which is recommended -- you still have one obligation:
    161       you must create a ``404.html`` template in the root of your
    162       template directory. The default 404 view will use that template
    163       for all 404 errors. The default 404 view will pass one variable
    164       to the template: ``request_path``, which is the URL that resulted
    165       in the 404.
    167160    * The 404 view is passed a :class:`~django.template.RequestContext` and
    168161      will have access to variables supplied by your
    169       :setting:`TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS` setting (e.g.,
    170       :setting:`MEDIA_URL`).
     162      :setting:`TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS` setting (e.g., ``MEDIA_URL``).
    172164    * If :setting:`DEBUG` is set to ``True`` (in your settings module), then
    173       your 404 view will never be used, and the traceback will be displayed
    174       instead.
     165      your 404 view will never be used, and your URLconf will be displayed
     166      instead, with some debug information.
    176168The 500 (server error) view
    187179``Context`` to lessen the chance of additional errors.
    189181This ``server_error`` view should suffice for 99% of Web applications, but if
    190 you want to override the view, you can specify ``handler500`` in your
    191 URLconf, like so::
     182you want to override the view, you can specify ``handler500`` in your URLconf,
     183like so::
    193185    handler500 = 'mysite.views.my_custom_error_view'
    195 Behind the scenes, Django determines the error view by looking for ``handler500``.
    196 By default, URLconfs contain the following line::
     187Behind the scenes, Django determines the 500 view by looking for
     188``handler500`` in your root URLconf, and falling back to
     189``django.views.defaults.server_error`` if you did not define one.
    198     from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
     191Two things to note about 500 views:
    200 That takes care of setting ``handler500`` in the current module. As you can see
    201 in ``django/conf/urls/defaults.py``, ``handler500`` is set to
    202 ``'django.views.defaults.server_error'`` by default.
     193    * If you don't define your own 500 view — and simply use the default,
     194      which is recommended — you still have one obligation: you must create a
     195      ``500.html`` template in the root of your template directory.
     197    * If :setting:`DEBUG` is set to ``True`` (in your settings module), then
     198      your 500 view will never be used, and the traceback will be displayed
     199      instead, with some debug information.
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