Ticket #15144: 15144.patch

File 15144.patch, 814 bytes (added by Joshua "jag" Ginsberg <jag@…>, 14 years ago)

Patch to fix the issue

  • django/core/cache/__init__.py

    diff -r 9b484f4bd7e0 django/core/cache/__init__.py
    a b  
    153153            backend, location, params = parse_backend_uri(backend)
    154154            if backend in BACKENDS:
    155155                backend = 'django.core.cache.backends.%s' % BACKENDS[backend]
    156             params.update(kwargs)
    157156            mod = importlib.import_module(backend)
    158157            backend_cls = mod.CacheClass
    159158        else:
    164163    except (AttributeError, ImportError), e:
    165164        raise InvalidCacheBackendError(
    166165            "Could not find backend '%s': %s" % (backend, e))
     166    params.update(kwargs)
    167167    return backend_cls(location, params)
    169169cache = get_cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_ALIAS)
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