Ticket #14987: sort-date-formats.diff

File sort-date-formats.diff, 1.2 KB (added by Adam Vandenberg, 14 years ago)

Alpha-sort new date formatter

  • docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt b/docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt
    index 5dea153..5282860 100644
    a b Available format strings:  
    11791179    d                 Day of the month, 2 digits with           ``'01'`` to ``'31'``
    11801180                      leading zeros.
    11811181    D                 Day of the week, textual, 3 letters.      ``'Fri'``
    1182     f                 Time, in 12-hour hours and minutes,       ``'1'``, ``'1:30'``
    1183                       with minutes left off if they're zero.
    1184                       Proprietary extension.
    11851182    E                 Month, locale specific alternative
    11861183                      representation usually used for long
    11871184                      date representation.                      ``'listopada'`` (for Polish locale, as opposed to ``'Listopad'``)
     1185    f                 Time, in 12-hour hours and minutes,       ``'1'``, ``'1:30'``
     1186                      with minutes left off if they're zero.
     1187                      Proprietary extension.
    11881188    F                 Month, textual, long.                     ``'January'``
    11891189    g                 Hour, 12-hour format without leading      ``'1'`` to ``'12'``
    11901190                      zeros.
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