1 | import sys
2 | import time
3 |
4 | from django.conf import settings
5 | from django.core.management import call_command
6 |
7 | # The prefix to put on the default database name when creating
8 | # the test database.
10 |
11 | class BaseDatabaseCreation(object):
12 | """
13 | This class encapsulates all backend-specific differences that pertain to
14 | database *creation*, such as the column types to use for particular Django
15 | Fields, the SQL used to create and destroy tables, and the creation and
16 | destruction of test databases.
17 | """
18 | data_types = {}
19 |
20 | def __init__(self, connection):
21 | self.connection = connection
22 |
23 | def _digest(self, *args):
24 | """
25 | Generates a 32-bit digest of a set of arguments that can be used to
26 | shorten identifying names.
27 | """
28 | return '%x' % (abs(hash(args)) % 4294967296L) # 2**32
29 |
30 | def sql_create_model(self, model, style, known_models=set()):
31 | """
32 | Returns the SQL required to create a single model, as a tuple of:
33 | (list_of_sql, pending_references_dict)
34 | """
35 | from django.db import models
36 |
37 | opts = model._meta
38 | if not opts.managed or opts.proxy:
39 | return [], {}
40 | final_output = []
41 | table_output = []
42 | pending_references = {}
43 | qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
44 | for f in opts.local_fields:
45 | col_type = f.db_type(connection=self.connection)
46 | tablespace = f.db_tablespace or opts.db_tablespace
47 | if col_type is None:
48 | # Skip ManyToManyFields, because they're not represented as
49 | # database columns in this table.
50 | continue
51 | # Make the definition (e.g. 'foo VARCHAR(30)') for this field.
52 | field_output = [style.SQL_FIELD(qn(f.column)),
53 | style.SQL_COLTYPE(col_type)]
54 | if not f.null:
55 | field_output.append(style.SQL_KEYWORD('NOT NULL'))
56 | if f.primary_key:
57 | field_output.append(style.SQL_KEYWORD('PRIMARY KEY'))
58 | elif f.unique:
59 | field_output.append(style.SQL_KEYWORD('UNIQUE'))
60 | if tablespace and f.unique:
61 | # We must specify the index tablespace inline, because we
62 | # won't be generating a CREATE INDEX statement for this field.
63 | field_output.append(self.connection.ops.tablespace_sql(tablespace, inline=True))
64 | if f.rel:
65 | ref_output, pending = self.sql_for_inline_foreign_key_references(f, known_models, style)
66 | if pending:
67 | pr = pending_references.setdefault(f.rel.to, []).append((model, f))
68 | else:
69 | field_output.extend(ref_output)
70 | table_output.append(' '.join(field_output))
71 | for field_constraints in opts.unique_together:
72 | table_output.append(style.SQL_KEYWORD('UNIQUE') + ' (%s)' % \
73 | ", ".join([style.SQL_FIELD(qn(opts.get_field(f).column)) for f in field_constraints]))
74 |
75 | full_statement = [style.SQL_KEYWORD('CREATE TABLE') + ' ' + style.SQL_TABLE(qn(opts.db_table)) + ' (']
76 | for i, line in enumerate(table_output): # Combine and add commas.
77 | full_statement.append(' %s%s' % (line, i < len(table_output)-1 and ',' or ''))
78 | full_statement.append(')')
79 | if opts.db_tablespace:
80 | full_statement.append(self.connection.ops.tablespace_sql(opts.db_tablespace))
81 | full_statement.append(';')
82 | final_output.append('\n'.join(full_statement))
83 |
84 | if opts.has_auto_field:
85 | # Add any extra SQL needed to support auto-incrementing primary keys.
86 | auto_column = opts.auto_field.db_column or opts.auto_field.name
87 | autoinc_sql = self.connection.ops.autoinc_sql(opts.db_table, auto_column)
88 | if autoinc_sql:
89 | for stmt in autoinc_sql:
90 | final_output.append(stmt)
91 |
92 | return final_output, pending_references
93 |
94 | def sql_for_inline_foreign_key_references(self, field, known_models, style):
95 | "Return the SQL snippet defining the foreign key reference for a field"
96 | qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
97 | if field.rel.to in known_models:
98 | output = [style.SQL_KEYWORD('REFERENCES') + ' ' + \
99 | style.SQL_TABLE(qn(field.rel.to._meta.db_table)) + ' (' + \
100 | style.SQL_FIELD(qn(field.rel.to._meta.get_field(field.rel.field_name).column)) + ')' +
101 | self.connection.ops.deferrable_sql()
102 | ]
103 | pending = False
104 | else:
105 | # We haven't yet created the table to which this field
106 | # is related, so save it for later.
107 | output = []
108 | pending = True
109 |
110 | return output, pending
111 |
112 | def sql_for_pending_references(self, model, style, pending_references):
113 | "Returns any ALTER TABLE statements to add constraints after the fact."
114 | from django.db.backends.util import truncate_name
115 |
116 | if not model._meta.managed or model._meta.proxy:
117 | return []
118 | qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
119 | final_output = []
120 | opts = model._meta
121 | if model in pending_references:
122 | for rel_class, f in pending_references[model]:
123 | rel_opts = rel_class._meta
124 | r_table = rel_opts.db_table
125 | r_col = f.column
126 | table = opts.db_table
127 | col = opts.get_field(f.rel.field_name).column
128 | # For MySQL, r_name must be unique in the first 64 characters.
129 | # So we are careful with character usage here.
130 | r_name = '%s_refs_%s_%s' % (r_col, col, self._digest(r_table, table))
131 | final_output.append(style.SQL_KEYWORD('ALTER TABLE') + ' %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s (%s)%s;' % \
132 | (qn(r_table), qn(truncate_name(r_name, self.connection.ops.max_name_length())),
133 | qn(r_col), qn(table), qn(col),
134 | self.connection.ops.deferrable_sql()))
135 | del pending_references[model]
136 | return final_output
137 |
138 | def sql_for_many_to_many(self, model, style):
139 | "Return the CREATE TABLE statments for all the many-to-many tables defined on a model"
140 | import warnings
141 | warnings.warn(
142 | 'Database creation API for m2m tables has been deprecated. M2M models are now automatically generated',
143 | PendingDeprecationWarning
144 | )
145 |
146 | output = []
147 | for f in model._meta.local_many_to_many:
148 | if model._meta.managed or f.rel.to._meta.managed:
149 | output.extend(self.sql_for_many_to_many_field(model, f, style))
150 | return output
151 |
152 | def sql_for_many_to_many_field(self, model, f, style):
153 | "Return the CREATE TABLE statements for a single m2m field"
154 | import warnings
155 | warnings.warn(
156 | 'Database creation API for m2m tables has been deprecated. M2M models are now automatically generated',
157 | PendingDeprecationWarning
158 | )
159 |
160 | from django.db import models
161 | from django.db.backends.util import truncate_name
162 |
163 | output = []
164 | if f.auto_created:
165 | opts = model._meta
166 | qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
167 | tablespace = f.db_tablespace or opts.db_tablespace
168 | if tablespace:
169 | sql = self.connection.ops.tablespace_sql(tablespace, inline=True)
170 | if sql:
171 | tablespace_sql = ' ' + sql
172 | else:
173 | tablespace_sql = ''
174 | else:
175 | tablespace_sql = ''
176 | table_output = [style.SQL_KEYWORD('CREATE TABLE') + ' ' + \
177 | style.SQL_TABLE(qn(f.m2m_db_table())) + ' (']
178 | table_output.append(' %s %s %s%s,' %
179 | (style.SQL_FIELD(qn('id')),
180 | style.SQL_COLTYPE(models.AutoField(primary_key=True).db_type(connection=self.connection)),
182 | tablespace_sql))
183 |
184 | deferred = []
185 | inline_output, deferred = self.sql_for_inline_many_to_many_references(model, f, style)
186 | table_output.extend(inline_output)
187 |
188 | table_output.append(' %s (%s, %s)%s' %
189 | (style.SQL_KEYWORD('UNIQUE'),
190 | style.SQL_FIELD(qn(f.m2m_column_name())),
191 | style.SQL_FIELD(qn(f.m2m_reverse_name())),
192 | tablespace_sql))
193 | table_output.append(')')
194 | if opts.db_tablespace:
195 | # f.db_tablespace is only for indices, so ignore its value here.
196 | table_output.append(self.connection.ops.tablespace_sql(opts.db_tablespace))
197 | table_output.append(';')
198 | output.append('\n'.join(table_output))
199 |
200 | for r_table, r_col, table, col in deferred:
201 | r_name = '%s_refs_%s_%s' % (r_col, col, self._digest(r_table, table))
202 | output.append(style.SQL_KEYWORD('ALTER TABLE') + ' %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s (%s)%s;' %
203 | (qn(r_table),
204 | qn(truncate_name(r_name, self.connection.ops.max_name_length())),
205 | qn(r_col), qn(table), qn(col),
206 | self.connection.ops.deferrable_sql()))
207 |
208 | # Add any extra SQL needed to support auto-incrementing PKs
209 | autoinc_sql = self.connection.ops.autoinc_sql(f.m2m_db_table(), 'id')
210 | if autoinc_sql:
211 | for stmt in autoinc_sql:
212 | output.append(stmt)
213 | return output
214 |
215 | def sql_for_inline_many_to_many_references(self, model, field, style):
216 | "Create the references to other tables required by a many-to-many table"
217 | import warnings
218 | warnings.warn(
219 | 'Database creation API for m2m tables has been deprecated. M2M models are now automatically generated',
220 | PendingDeprecationWarning
221 | )
222 |
223 | from django.db import models
224 | opts = model._meta
225 | qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
226 |
227 | table_output = [
228 | ' %s %s %s %s (%s)%s,' %
229 | (style.SQL_FIELD(qn(field.m2m_column_name())),
230 | style.SQL_COLTYPE(models.ForeignKey(model).db_type(connection=self.connection)),
232 | style.SQL_TABLE(qn(opts.db_table)),
233 | style.SQL_FIELD(qn(opts.pk.column)),
234 | self.connection.ops.deferrable_sql()),
235 | ' %s %s %s %s (%s)%s,' %
236 | (style.SQL_FIELD(qn(field.m2m_reverse_name())),
237 | style.SQL_COLTYPE(models.ForeignKey(field.rel.to).db_type(connection=self.connection)),
239 | style.SQL_TABLE(qn(field.rel.to._meta.db_table)),
240 | style.SQL_FIELD(qn(field.rel.to._meta.pk.column)),
241 | self.connection.ops.deferrable_sql())
242 | ]
243 | deferred = []
244 |
245 | return table_output, deferred
246 |
247 | def sql_indexes_for_model(self, model, style):
248 | "Returns the CREATE INDEX SQL statements for a single model"
249 | if not model._meta.managed or model._meta.proxy:
250 | return []
251 | output = []
252 | for f in model._meta.local_fields:
253 | output.extend(self.sql_indexes_for_field(model, f, style))
254 | return output
255 |
256 | def sql_indexes_for_field(self, model, f, style):
257 | "Return the CREATE INDEX SQL statements for a single model field"
258 | from django.db.backends.util import truncate_name
259 |
260 | if f.db_index and not f.unique:
261 | qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
262 | tablespace = f.db_tablespace or model._meta.db_tablespace
263 | if tablespace:
264 | sql = self.connection.ops.tablespace_sql(tablespace)
265 | if sql:
266 | tablespace_sql = ' ' + sql
267 | else:
268 | tablespace_sql = ''
269 | else:
270 | tablespace_sql = ''
271 | i_name = '%s_%s' % (model._meta.db_table, self._digest(f.column))
272 | output = [style.SQL_KEYWORD('CREATE INDEX') + ' ' +
273 | style.SQL_TABLE(qn(truncate_name(i_name, self.connection.ops.max_name_length()))) + ' ' +
274 | style.SQL_KEYWORD('ON') + ' ' +
275 | style.SQL_TABLE(qn(model._meta.db_table)) + ' ' +
276 | "(%s)" % style.SQL_FIELD(qn(f.column)) +
277 | "%s;" % tablespace_sql]
278 | else:
279 | output = []
280 | return output
281 |
282 | def sql_destroy_model(self, model, references_to_delete, style):
283 | "Return the DROP TABLE and restraint dropping statements for a single model"
284 | if not model._meta.managed or model._meta.proxy:
285 | return []
286 | # Drop the table now
287 | qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
288 | output = ['%s %s;' % (style.SQL_KEYWORD('DROP TABLE'),
289 | style.SQL_TABLE(qn(model._meta.db_table)))]
290 | if model in references_to_delete:
291 | output.extend(self.sql_remove_table_constraints(model, references_to_delete, style))
292 |
293 | if model._meta.has_auto_field:
294 | ds = self.connection.ops.drop_sequence_sql(model._meta.db_table)
295 | if ds:
296 | output.append(ds)
297 | return output
298 |
299 | def sql_remove_table_constraints(self, model, references_to_delete, style):
300 | from django.db.backends.util import truncate_name
301 |
302 | if not model._meta.managed or model._meta.proxy:
303 | return []
304 | output = []
305 | qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
306 | for rel_class, f in references_to_delete[model]:
307 | table = rel_class._meta.db_table
308 | col = f.column
309 | r_table = model._meta.db_table
310 | r_col = model._meta.get_field(f.rel.field_name).column
311 | r_name = '%s_refs_%s_%s' % (col, r_col, self._digest(table, r_table))
312 | output.append('%s %s %s %s;' % \
313 | (style.SQL_KEYWORD('ALTER TABLE'),
314 | style.SQL_TABLE(qn(table)),
315 | style.SQL_KEYWORD(self.connection.ops.drop_foreignkey_sql()),
316 | style.SQL_FIELD(qn(truncate_name(r_name, self.connection.ops.max_name_length())))))
317 | del references_to_delete[model]
318 | return output
319 |
320 | def sql_destroy_many_to_many(self, model, f, style):
321 | "Returns the DROP TABLE statements for a single m2m field"
322 | import warnings
323 | warnings.warn(
324 | 'Database creation API for m2m tables has been deprecated. M2M models are now automatically generated',
325 | PendingDeprecationWarning
326 | )
327 |
328 | qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
329 | output = []
330 | if f.auto_created:
331 | output.append("%s %s;" % (style.SQL_KEYWORD('DROP TABLE'),
332 | style.SQL_TABLE(qn(f.m2m_db_table()))))
333 | ds = self.connection.ops.drop_sequence_sql("%s_%s" % (model._meta.db_table, f.column))
334 | if ds:
335 | output.append(ds)
336 | return output
337 |
338 | def _set_test_dict(self):
339 | if "TEST_NAME" in self.connection.settings_dict:
340 | self.connection.settings_dict["NAME"] = self.connection.settings_dict["TEST_NAME"]
341 | if "TEST_USER" in self.connection.settings_dict:
342 | self.connection.settings_dict['USER'] = self.connection.settings_dict["TEST_USER"]
343 | if "TEST_PASSWORD" in self.connection.settings_dict:
344 | self.connection.settings_dict['PASSWORD'] = self.connection.settings_dict["TEST_PASSWORD"]
345 |
346 | def create_test_db(self, verbosity=1, autoclobber=False):
347 | """
348 | Creates a test database, prompting the user for confirmation if the
349 | database already exists. Returns the name of the test database created.
350 | """
351 | if verbosity >= 1:
352 | print "Creating test database '%s'..." % self.connection.alias
353 |
354 | test_database_name = self._create_test_db(verbosity, autoclobber)
355 |
356 | self.connection.close()
357 | self.connection.settings_dict["NAME"] = test_database_name
358 | can_rollback = self._rollback_works()
359 | self.connection.settings_dict["SUPPORTS_TRANSACTIONS"] = can_rollback
360 |
361 | call_command('syncdb', verbosity=verbosity, interactive=False, database=self.connection.alias)
362 |
363 | if settings.CACHE_BACKEND.startswith('db://'):
364 | from django.core.cache import parse_backend_uri
365 | _, cache_name, _ = parse_backend_uri(settings.CACHE_BACKEND)
366 | call_command('createcachetable', cache_name)
367 |
368 | # Get a cursor (even though we don't need one yet). This has
369 | # the side effect of initializing the test database.
370 | cursor = self.connection.cursor()
371 |
372 | return test_database_name
373 |
374 | def _create_test_db(self, verbosity, autoclobber):
375 | "Internal implementation - creates the test db tables."
376 |
377 | suffix = self.sql_table_creation_suffix()
378 |
379 | if self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_NAME']:
380 | test_database_name = self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_NAME']
381 | else:
382 | test_database_name = TEST_DATABASE_PREFIX + self.connection.settings_dict['NAME']
383 |
384 | qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
385 |
386 | # Create the test database and connect to it. We need to autocommit
387 | # if the database supports it because PostgreSQL doesn't allow
388 | # CREATE/DROP DATABASE statements within transactions.
389 | self._set_test_dict()
390 | cursor = self.connection.cursor()
391 | self.set_autocommit()
392 |
393 | return test_database_name
394 |
395 | def _rollback_works(self):
396 | cursor = self.connection.cursor()
397 | cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE ROLLBACK_TEST (X INT)')
398 | self.connection._commit()
399 | cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ROLLBACK_TEST (X) VALUES (8)')
400 | self.connection._rollback()
401 | cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(X) FROM ROLLBACK_TEST')
402 | count, = cursor.fetchone()
403 | cursor.execute('DROP TABLE ROLLBACK_TEST')
404 | self.connection._commit()
405 | return count == 0
406 |
407 | def destroy_test_db(self, old_database_name, verbosity=1):
408 | """
409 | Destroy a test database, prompting the user for confirmation if the
410 | database already exists. Returns the name of the test database created.
411 | """
412 | if verbosity >= 1:
413 | print "Destroying test database '%s'..." % self.connection.alias
414 | self.connection.close()
415 | test_database_name = self.connection.settings_dict['NAME']
416 | self.connection.settings_dict['NAME'] = old_database_name
417 | self._destroy_test_db(test_database_name, verbosity)
418 |
419 | def _destroy_test_db(self, test_database_name, verbosity):
420 | "Internal implementation - remove the test db tables."
421 |
422 | # Remove the test database to clean up after
423 | # ourselves. Connect to the previous database (not the test database)
424 | # to do so, because it's not allowed to delete a database while being
425 | # connected to it.
426 | self._set_test_dict()
427 | cursor = self.connection.cursor()
428 | self.set_autocommit()
429 | time.sleep(1) # To avoid "database is being accessed by other users" errors.
430 |
431 | cursor.execute("""SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='public'""")
432 | rows = cursor.fetchall()
433 | dropped_tables = []
434 | not_dropped = []
435 | for row in rows:
436 | try:
437 | cursor.execute('drop table `%s` cascade' % row[0])
438 | dropped_tables.append(row[0])
439 | except:
440 | not_dropped.append(row[0])
441 |
442 | print 'Dropped tables: %s' % ', '.join(dropped_tables)
443 | if not_dropped: print 'Error: Could not drop: %s' % ', '.join(not_dropped)
444 |
445 | #cursor.execute("DROP DATABASE %s" % self.connection.ops.quote_name(test_database_name))
446 | self.connection.close()
447 |
448 | def set_autocommit(self):
449 | "Make sure a connection is in autocommit mode."
450 | if hasattr(self.connection.connection, "autocommit"):
451 | if callable(self.connection.connection.autocommit):
452 | self.connection.connection.autocommit(True)
453 | else:
454 | self.connection.connection.autocommit = True
455 | elif hasattr(self.connection.connection, "set_isolation_level"):
456 | self.connection.connection.set_isolation_level(0)
457 |
458 | def sql_table_creation_suffix(self):
459 | "SQL to append to the end of the test table creation statements"
460 | return ''
461 |