Ticket #13896: django_13896.diff

File django_13896.diff, 1.5 KB (added by Jason Kotenko, 14 years ago)

SVN Diff

  • docs/ref/contrib/syndication.txt

    270270Feeds created by the syndication framework automatically include the
    271 appropriate ``<language>`` tag (RSS 2.0) or ``xml:lang`` attribute (Atom). This
    272 comes directly from your :setting:`LANGUAGE_CODE` setting.
     271appropriate ``<language>`` tag (RSS 2.0) or ``xml:lang`` attribute (Atom). You
     272can set the language for a feed by specifying an attribute :attr:`language`,
     273using the same format as the project-wide setting :setting:`LANGUAGE_CODE`. If
     274you don't specify a language, it comes directly from your
     275:setting:`LANGUAGE_CODE` setting.
  • django/contrib/syndication/views.py

    104104            subtitle = self.__get_dynamic_attr('subtitle', obj),
    105105            link = link,
    106106            description = self.__get_dynamic_attr('description', obj),
    107             language = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE.decode(),
     107            language = __get_dynamic_attr('language', obj, settings.LANGUAGE_CODE.decode()),
    108108            feed_url = add_domain(
    109109                current_site.domain,
    110110                self.__get_dynamic_attr('feed_url', obj) or request.path,
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