Ticket #13628: doctest-warning.diff

File doctest-warning.diff, 795 bytes (added by Dougal Matthews, 14 years ago)
  • docs/topics/testing.txt

    7373Doctests use Python's standard doctest_ module, which searches your docstrings
    7474for statements that resemble a session of the Python interactive interpreter.
    7575A full explanation of how doctest works is out of the scope of this document;
    76 read Python's official documentation for the details.
     76read Python's official documentation for the details. doctests should
     77generally be avoided and used primarily for documentation examples only. When
     78a doctest fails it can be difficult to debug and resolve as it isn't always
     79clear why it failed.
    7881.. admonition:: What's a **docstring**?
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