Ticket #1321: modularised_templates.diff

File modularised_templates.diff, 11.3 KB (added by Luke Plant, 19 years ago)

Patch to begin implementation of this ticket

  • django/utils/datastructures.py

    224224                current[bits[-1]] = v
    225225            except TypeError: # Special-case if current isn't a dict.
    226226                current = {bits[-1] : v}
     228class LazySettings:
     229    """
     230    A lazy proxy for either global django settings or a custom settings object.
     231    """
     232    def __init__(self):
     233        self.__dict__['_target'] = None
     235    def __getattr__(self, name):
     236        if self._target is None:
     237            self.import_settings()
     238        return getattr(self._target, name)
     240    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
     241        if name == '_target':
     242            self.__dict__[name] = value
     243        else:
     244            setattr(self._target, name, value)
     246    def import_settings(self):
     247        from django.conf import settings
     248        self.__dict__['_target'] = settings
  • django/template/defaultfilters.py

    11"Default variable filters"
    3 from django.template import resolve_variable, Library
    4 from django.conf import settings
     3from django.template import resolve_variable, Library, settings
    54from django.utils.translation import gettext
    65import re
    76import random as random_module
    327326# DATES           #
    330 def date(value, arg=settings.DATE_FORMAT):
     329def date(value, arg=None):
    331330    "Formats a date according to the given format"
    332331    from django.utils.dateformat import format
     332    if arg is None:
     333        arg = settings.DATE_FORMAT
    333334    return format(value, arg)
    335 def time(value, arg=settings.TIME_FORMAT):
     336def time(value, arg=None):
    336337    "Formats a time according to the given format"
    337338    from django.utils.dateformat import time_format
     339    if arg is None:
     340        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
    338341    return time_format(value, arg)
    340343def timesince(value):
  • django/template/__init__.py

    5757import re
    5858from inspect import getargspec
    5959from django.utils.functional import curry
    60 from django.conf import settings
     60from django.utils.datastructures import LazySettings
     61settings = LazySettings()
    6162from django.template.context import Context, RequestContext, ContextPopException
    6364__all__ = ('Template', 'Context', 'RequestContext', 'compile_string')
    9091# global list of libraries to load by default for a new parser
    9192builtins = []
     97class TemplateSettings:
     98    # TODO - eliminate duplication of global_settings?
     99    TEMPLATE_DIRS = ()
     100    DEFAULT_CHARSET = "utf-8"
     101    DEBUG = False
     102    DATE_FORMAT = 'N j, Y'
     103    DATETIME_FORMAT = 'N j, Y, P'
     104    TEMPLATE_LOADERS = (
     105        'django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source',
     106        'django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source',
     107#        'django.template.loaders.eggs.load_template_source',
     108    )
     109    TEMPLATE_FILE_EXTENSION = '.html'
     110    TEMPLATE_DEBUG = False
     113def configure(**options):
     114    """Set configuration options for the template package."""
     115    global settings
     116    new_settings = TemplateSettings()
     117    for k, v in options.items():
     118        if not hasattr(new_settings, k):
     119            raise Exception('"%s" is not a valid template config setting' % k)
     120        setattr(new_settings, k, v)
     121    settings._target = new_settings
    93126class TemplateSyntaxError(Exception):
    94127    pass
  • django/template/loaders/app_directories.py

    11# Wrapper for loading templates from "template" directories in installed app packages.
    3 from django.conf import settings
    43from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
    5 from django.template import TemplateDoesNotExist
     4from django.template import TemplateDoesNotExist, settings
    65import os
    8 # At compile time, cache the directories to search.
    9 app_template_dirs = []
    10 for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
    11     i = app.rfind('.')
    12     if i == -1:
    13         m, a = app, None
    14     else:
    15         m, a = app[:i], app[i+1:]
    16     try:
    17         if a is None:
    18             mod = __import__(m, '', '', [])
    19         else:
    20             mod = getattr(__import__(m, '', '', [a]), a)
    21     except ImportError, e:
    22         raise ImproperlyConfigured, 'ImportError %s: %s' % (app, e.args[0])
    23     template_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mod.__file__), 'templates')
    24     if os.path.isdir(template_dir):
    25         app_template_dirs.append(template_dir)
     7app_template_dirs = None
    27 # It won't change, so convert it to a tuple to save memory.
    28 app_template_dirs = tuple(app_template_dirs)
     9def _ensure_setup():
     10    # cache the directories to search.
     11    global app_template_dirs
     12    if app_template_dirs is None:
     13        app_template_dirs = []
     14        for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
     15            i = app.rfind('.')
     16            if i == -1:
     17                m, a = app, None
     18            else:
     19                m, a = app[:i], app[i+1:]
     20            try:
     21                if a is None:
     22                    mod = __import__(m, '', '', [])
     23                else:
     24                    mod = getattr(__import__(m, '', '', [a]), a)
     25            except ImportError, e:
     26                raise ImproperlyConfigured, 'ImportError %s: %s' % (app, e.args[0])
     27            template_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mod.__file__), 'templates')
     28            if os.path.isdir(template_dir):
     29                app_template_dirs.append(template_dir)
     31        # It won't change, so convert it to a tuple to save memory.
     32        app_template_dirs = tuple(app_template_dirs)
    3034def get_template_sources(template_name, template_dirs=None):
     35    _ensure_setup()
    3136    for template_dir in app_template_dirs:
    3237        yield os.path.join(template_dir, template_name) + settings.TEMPLATE_FILE_EXTENSION
  • django/template/loaders/filesystem.py

    11# Wrapper for loading templates from the filesystem.
    3 from django.conf import settings
    4 from django.template import TemplateDoesNotExist
     3from django.template import TemplateDoesNotExist, settings
    54import os
    76def get_template_sources(template_name, template_dirs=None):
  • django/template/defaulttags.py

    33from django.template import Node, NodeList, Template, Context, resolve_variable
    44from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError, VariableDoesNotExist, BLOCK_TAG_START, BLOCK_TAG_END, VARIABLE_TAG_START, VARIABLE_TAG_END
    5 from django.template import get_library, Library, InvalidTemplateLibrary
    6 from django.conf import settings
     5from django.template import get_library, Library, InvalidTemplateLibrary, settings
    76import sys
    98register = Library()
  • django/template/context.py

    1 from django.conf import settings
     1from django.template import settings
    22from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
    44_standard_context_processors = None
  • django/template/loader_tags.py

    11from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError, TemplateDoesNotExist, resolve_variable
    22from django.template import Library, Context, Node
    33from django.template.loader import get_template, get_template_from_string, find_template_source
    4 from django.conf import settings
     4from django.template import settings
    66register = Library()
  • django/template/loader.py

    2323from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
    2424from django.template import Origin, StringOrigin, Template, Context, TemplateDoesNotExist, add_to_builtins
    25 from django.conf import settings
     25from django.template import settings
    2727template_source_loaders = None
  • tests/standalone_tests.py

     1#!/usr/bin/env python
     3# Runs the test scripts in the 'standalone' dir
     4import os
     5STANDALONE_TESTS_DIR = "standalone"
     7standalone_tests_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), STANDALONE_TESTS_DIR)
     8for f in os.listdir(standalone_tests_dir):
     9    if f.endswith('.py') and not f.startswith('__init__'):
     10        # run script
     11        # TODO - What's the correct cross platform way to do this?
     12        print "Running test script %s:" % f
     13        print "---------------------" + "-" * len(f)
     14        os.system('"%s"' % os.path.join(standalone_tests_dir, f))
  • tests/standalone/components.py

    Property changes on: tests/standalone_tests.py
    Name: svn:executable
       + *
     1#!/usr/bin/env python
     3# Tests to ensure that Django components are usable without
     4# a DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE.  This must be executed as a standalone
     5# script to make sure django.settings hasn't already been imported
     7import os
     9    del os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE']
     10except KeyError:
     11    pass
     13import unittest
     15class TestTemplate(unittest.TestCase):
     17    def test_import(self):
     18        # make sure we can import django.template without exceptions
     19        from django import template
     21    def test_loader(self):
     22        from django import template
     23        from django.template import loader
     25        template.configure(TEMPLATE_DIRS=(os.path.dirname(__file__),))
     26        s = loader.render_to_string('template_test')
     27        self.assertEqual(s, 'Hello world')
     29if __name__ == '__main__':
     30    unittest.main()
  • tests/standalone/template_test.html

    Property changes on: tests/standalone/components.py
    Name: svn:executable
       + *
     1Hello world
     2 No newline at end of file
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