Ticket #1318: cssnotes.patch

File cssnotes.patch, 2.2 KB (added by Wilson Miner, 19 years ago)

Changes to the admin css doc

  • admin_css.txt

    2626Column Types
     29.. admonition:: Note
     31    In the Django development version, all admin pages (except the dashboard) are fluid-width. All fixed-width classes have been removed.
    2933The base template for each admin page has a block that defines the column
    3034structure for the page. This sets a class on the page content area
    31 (``div#content``) so everything on the page knows how wide it should be. So far
    32 there are three options available, and one special hybrid option.
     35(``div#content``) so everything on the page knows how wide it should be. There are three column types available.
    3538    This is the default column setting for all pages. The "M" stands for "main".
    4447    Same as above, with the sidebar on the left. The source order of the columns
    4548    doesn't matter.
    46 colM superwide
     49colM superwide (removed in Django development version)
    4750    This is for ridiculously wide pages. Doesn't really work very well for
    4851    anything but colM. With superwide, you've got 1000px to work with. Don't
    4952    waste them.
    50 flex
     53flex (removed in Django development version)
    5154    This is for liquid-width pages, such as changelists. Currently only works
    5255    with single-column pages (does not combine with ``.colMS`` or ``.colSM``).
    5356    Form pages should never use ``.flex``.
    55 For instance, you could stick this in a template to make a superwide page::
     58For instance, you could stick this in a template to make a two-column page with the sidebar on the right::
    57     {% block coltype %}colM superwide{% endblock %}
     60    {% block coltype %}colMS{% endblock %}
    59 or this to make a liquid-width page (note that ``flex`` replaces ``colM``, so
    60 both classes are not required)::
    62     {% block coltype %}flex{% endblock %}
     66**Removed in Django development version (see note above).**
    6768There's a whole mess of classes in the stylesheet for custom pixel widths on
    6869objects. They come in handy for tables and table cells, if you want to avoid
    6970using the ``width`` attribute. Each class sets the width to the number of pixels
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