Ticket #13158: ticket13158.diff

File ticket13158.diff, 1.0 KB (added by Harro, 15 years ago)
  • docs/topics/auth.txt

    489489To make use of this feature, define a model with fields for the additional
    490490information you'd like to store, or additional methods you'd like to have
    491 available, and also add a :class:`~django.db.models.Field.ForeignKey` from your
    492 model to the :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` model, specified with
    493 ``unique=True`` to ensure only one instance of your model can be created for
    494 each :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User`.
     491available, and also add a :class:`~django.db.models.Field.OneToOneField` from
     492your model to the :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` model to ensure only
     493one instance of your model can be created for each
    496496To indicate that this model is the user profile model for a given site, fill in
    497497the setting :setting:`AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE` with a string consisting of the
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