Ticket #12849: combined.diff

File combined.diff, 3.8 KB (added by Fraser Nevett, 15 years ago)

This is the combined version of the two existing patches.

  • django/core/management/base.py

    214214            except ImportError, e:
    215215                # If settings should be available, but aren't,
    216216                # raise the error and quit.
    217                 sys.stderr.write(self.style.ERROR(str('Error: %s\n' % e)))
     217                sys.stderr.write(self.style.ERROR('Error: %s\n' % e))
    218218                sys.exit(1)
    219219        try:
    220220            if self.requires_model_validation:
    230230                if self.output_transaction:
    231231                    print self.style.SQL_KEYWORD("COMMIT;")
    232232        except CommandError, e:
    233             sys.stderr.write(self.style.ERROR(str('Error: %s\n' % e)))
     233            sys.stderr.write(self.style.ERROR('Error: %s\n' % e))
    234234            sys.exit(1)
    236236    def validate(self, app=None, display_num_errors=False):
  • django/utils/termcolors.py

     5import locale
     6from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
    59color_names = ('black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white')
    610foreground = dict([(color_names[x], '3%s' % x) for x in range(8)])
    711background = dict([(color_names[x], '4%s' % x) for x in range(8)])
    913RESET = '0'
    1014opt_dict = {'bold': '1', 'underscore': '4', 'blink': '5', 'reverse': '7', 'conceal': '8'}
    12 def colorize(text='', opts=(), **kwargs):
     16def colorize(text=u'', opts=(), encoding=None, **kwargs):
    1317    """
    1418    Returns your text, enclosed in ANSI graphics codes.
    16     Depends on the keyword arguments 'fg' and 'bg', and the contents of
    17     the opts tuple/list.
     20    The returned string depends on the keyword arguments 'fg' and 'bg', and
     21    the contents of the opts tuple/list. The text will be encoded using the
     22    current locale's preferred encoding unless otherwise specified in the
     23    'encoding' keyword argument.
    1925    Returns the RESET code if no parameters are given.
    3844        print colorize('and so should this')
    3945        print 'this should not be red'
    4046    """
    41     text = str(text)
     47    if encoding is None:
     48        encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
     49    text = smart_str(text, encoding=encoding)
    4250    code_list = []
    4351    if text == '' and len(opts) == 1 and opts[0] == 'reset':
    4452        return '\x1b[%sm' % RESET
  • tests/regressiontests/utils/termcolors.py

    11from unittest import TestCase
    3 from django.utils.termcolors import parse_color_setting, PALETTES, DEFAULT_PALETTE, LIGHT_PALETTE, DARK_PALETTE, NOCOLOR_PALETTE
     3from django.utils.termcolors import colorize, parse_color_setting, PALETTES, DEFAULT_PALETTE, LIGHT_PALETTE, DARK_PALETTE, NOCOLOR_PALETTE
    55class TermColorTests(TestCase):
     7    def test_encoding(self):
     8        """Verify that unicode strings are accepted and propertly encoded."""
     9        test_data = (
     10            ('\xc2\xa3', 'utf-8', '\xc2\xa3'),
     11            ('\xc2\xa3', 'latin-1', '\xa3'),
     12            (u'\u00a3', 'utf-8', '\xc2\xa3'),
     13            (u'\u00a3', 'latin-1', '\xa3'),
     14            )
     15        for input, encoding, encoded in test_data:
     16            output = colorize(input, fg='red', encoding=encoding)
     17            self.assertEquals(output, '\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m' % encoded)
    719    def test_empty_string(self):
    820        self.assertEquals(parse_color_setting(''), PALETTES[DEFAULT_PALETTE])
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