Ticket #12828: fix.patch

File fix.patch, 639 bytes (added by anonymous, 15 years ago)
  • contrib/gis/db/backend/postgis/

    old new  
    253253def get_geo_where_clause(table_alias, name, lookup_type, geo_annot):
    254254    "Returns the SQL WHERE clause for use in PostGIS SQL construction."
    255255    # Getting the quoted field as `geo_col`.
    256     geo_col = '%s.%s' % (table_alias, qn(name))
     256    geo_col = '%s.%s' % (qn(table_alias), qn(name))
    257257    if lookup_type in POSTGIS_OPERATORS:
    258258        # See if a PostGIS operator matches the lookup type.
    259259        return POSTGIS_OPERATORS[lookup_type].as_sql(geo_col)
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