Ticket #12712: syncdb-fix.patch

File syncdb-fix.patch, 945 bytes (added by Ionel Cristian Maries, 15 years ago)
  • django/core/management/commands/syncdb.py

    7171                if verbosity >= 2:
    7272                    print "Processing %s.%s model" % (app_name, model._meta.object_name)
    7373                opts = model._meta
    74                 if (connection.introspection.table_name_converter(opts.db_table) in tables or
    75                     (opts.auto_created and
    76                     connection.introspection.table_name_converter(opts.auto_created._meta.db_table) in tables)):
     74                if connection.introspection.table_name_converter(opts.db_table) in tables:
    7775                    continue
    7876                sql, references = connection.creation.sql_create_model(model, self.style, seen_models)
    7977                seen_models.add(model)
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