Ticket #12621: 12621.diff

File 12621.diff, 1.2 KB (added by Tim Graham, 15 years ago)
  • docs/howto/custom-template-tags.txt

    10 Django's template system comes a wide variety of :ref:`built-in tags and filters
    11 <ref-templates-builtins>` designed to address the presentation logic needs of
    12 your application. Nevertheless, you may find yourself needing functionality that
    13 is not covered by the core set of template primitives. You can extend the
    14 template engine by defining custom tags and filters using Python, and then make
    15 them available to your templates using the ``{% load %}`` tag.
     10Django's template system comes with a wide variety of :ref:`built-in tags
     11and filters <ref-templates-builtins>` designed to address the presentation
     12logic needs of your application. Nevertheless, you may find yourself needing
     13functionality that is not covered by the core set of template primitives. You
     14can extend the template engine by defining custom tags and filters using Python,
     15and then make them available to your templates using the ``{% load %}`` tag.
    1717Code layout
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