Ticket #12613: phone2numeric_complete_test.diff

File phone2numeric_complete_test.diff, 1022 bytes (added by Gabriel Hurley, 15 years ago)

Adds test for phone2numeric that uses a full English pangram plus hyphen and exclamation point.

  • tests/regressiontests/templates/filters.py

    258258        'filter-phone2numeric01': ('{{ a|phone2numeric }} {{ b|phone2numeric }}', {"a": "<1-800-call-me>", "b": mark_safe("<1-800-call-me>") }, "&lt;1-800-2255-63&gt; <1-800-2255-63>"),
    259259        'filter-phone2numeric02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|phone2numeric }} {{ b|phone2numeric }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "<1-800-call-me>", "b": mark_safe("<1-800-call-me>") }, "<1-800-2255-63> <1-800-2255-63>"),
     260        'filter-phone2numeric03': ('{{ a|phone2numeric }}', {"a": "How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts!"}, "469 729672225-5867464 37647 226 53835 749 747833 49662787!"),
    261262        # Ensure iriencode keeps safe strings:
    262263        'filter-iriencode01': ('{{ url|iriencode }}', {'url': '?test=1&me=2'}, '?test=1&amp;me=2'),
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