Ticket #11681: patch-11681.diff

File patch-11681.diff, 1.5 KB (added by Natalia Bidart, 15 years ago)

Removing surronding HTML tags for non_field_errors and for non_form_errors

  • django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_list.html

    6767        <p class="errornote">
    6868        {% blocktrans count cl.formset.errors|length as counter %}Please correct the error below.{% plural %}Please correct the errors below.{% endblocktrans %}
    6969        </p>
    70         <ul class="errorlist">{% for error in cl.formset.non_form_errors %}<li>{{ error }}</li>{% endfor %}</ul>
     70        {{ cl.formset.non_form_errors }}
    7171    {% endif %}
    7272    <div class="module{% if cl.has_filters %} filtered{% endif %}" id="changelist">
    7373      {% block search %}{% search_form cl %}{% endblock %}
  • django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html

    3838    <p class="errornote">
    3939    {% blocktrans count errors|length as counter %}Please correct the error below.{% plural %}Please correct the errors below.{% endblocktrans %}
    4040    </p>
    41     <ul class="errorlist">{% for error in adminform.form.non_field_errors %}<li>{{ error }}</li>{% endfor %}</ul>
     41    {{ adminform.form.non_field_errors }}
    4242{% endif %}
    4444{% for fieldset in adminform %}
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