Ticket #11509: 11509.diff

File 11509.diff, 32.9 KB (added by Derek Willis, 14 years ago)
  • docs/howto/jython.txt

    From efefe283b861da61c75961b1db8f6e9af7dcc89e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
    From: Derek Willis <dwillis@gmail.com>
    Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 20:35:49 -0400
    Subject: [PATCH] changed web to Web and website to Web site in various places
     docs/howto/jython.txt                              |    2 +-
     docs/internals/committers.txt                      |    4 ++--
     docs/internals/svn.txt                             |    6 +++---
     docs/intro/index.txt                               |    2 +-
     docs/intro/whatsnext.txt                           |    4 ++--
     docs/misc/api-stability.txt                        |    2 +-
     docs/ref/contrib/gis/deployment.txt                |    2 +-
     docs/ref/contrib/gis/index.txt                     |    4 ++--
     docs/ref/contrib/gis/install.txt                   |    6 +++---
     docs/ref/contrib/gis/model-api.txt                 |    4 ++--
     docs/ref/contrib/gis/tutorial.txt                  |    8 ++++----
     docs/ref/contrib/gis/utils.txt                     |    2 +-
     docs/ref/contrib/sites.txt                         |    2 +-
     docs/ref/forms/widgets.txt                         |    4 ++--
     docs/ref/middleware.txt                            |    2 +-
     docs/ref/request-response.txt                      |    6 +++---
     docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt                    |    2 +-
     docs/releases/1.0.txt                              |    2 +-
     docs/releases/1.1-beta-1.txt                       |    2 +-
     docs/releases/1.1.txt                              |    2 +-
     docs/topics/auth.txt                               |    2 +-
     docs/topics/conditional-view-processing.txt        |    2 +-
     docs/topics/email.txt                              |    2 +-
     docs/topics/forms/media.txt                        |    4 ++--
     docs/topics/http/middleware.txt                    |    2 +-
     docs/topics/http/urls.txt                          |    4 ++--
     docs/topics/install.txt                            |    6 +++---
     tests/modeltests/custom_columns/tests.py           |    4 ++--
     .../custom_columns_regress/models.py               |    4 ++--
     tests/regressiontests/file_storage/tests.py        |    2 +-
     django/contrib/gis/gdal/srs.py      				|    2 +-
     django/contrib/sessions/models.py   				|    2 +-
     django/core/handlers/base.py        				|    2 +-
     django/core/servers/fastcgi.py      				|    2 +-
     docs/howto/deployment/fastcgi.txt   				|    6 +++---
     docs/howto/deployment/modpython.txt 				|    2 +-
     36 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
    diff --git a/docs/howto/jython.txt b/docs/howto/jython.txt
    index 673c936..1bf8d6c 100644
    a b on top of Jython.  
    5151.. _`django-jython`: http://code.google.com/p/django-jython/
    5353To install it, follow the `installation instructions`_ detailed on the project
    54 website. Also, read the `database backends`_ documentation there.
     54Web site. Also, read the `database backends`_ documentation there.
    5656.. _`installation instructions`: http://code.google.com/p/django-jython/wiki/Install
    5757.. _`database backends`: http://code.google.com/p/django-jython/wiki/DatabaseBackends
  • docs/internals/committers.txt

    diff --git a/docs/internals/committers.txt b/docs/internals/committers.txt
    index b0bb18b..42a2ba3 100644
    a b Journal-World`_ of Lawrence, Kansas, USA.  
    4040`Wilson Miner`_
    4141    Wilson's design-fu is what makes Django look so nice. He designed the
    42     website you're looking at right now, as well as Django's acclaimed admin
     42    Web site you're looking at right now, as well as Django's acclaimed admin
    4343    interface. Wilson is the designer for EveryBlock_.
    4545    Wilson lives in San Francisco, USA.
    Joseph Kocherhans  
    135135`Brian Rosner`_
    136136    Brian is currently the tech lead at Eldarion_ managing and developing
    137     Django / Pinax_ based websites. He enjoys learning more about programming
     137    Django / Pinax_ based Web sites. He enjoys learning more about programming
    138138    languages and system architectures and contributing to open source
    139139    projects. Brian is the host of the `Django Dose`_ podcasts.
  • docs/internals/svn.txt

    diff --git a/docs/internals/svn.txt b/docs/internals/svn.txt
    index c66e494..9efbe28 100644
    a b The Django source code repository uses `Subversion`_ to track changes  
    2222to the code over time, so you'll need a copy of the Subversion client
    2323(a program called ``svn``) on your computer, and you'll want to
    2424familiarize yourself with the basics of how Subversion
    25 works. Subversion's web site offers downloads for various operating
     25works. Subversion's Web site offers downloads for various operating
    2626systems, and `a free online book`_ is available to help you get up to
    2727speed with using Subversion.
    repository address instead. At the top level of the repository are two  
    3434directories: ``django`` contains the full source code for all Django
    3535releases, while ``djangoproject.com`` contains the source code and
    3636templates for the `djangoproject.com <http://www.djangoproject.com/>`_
    37 web site. For trying out in-development Django code, or contributing
     37Web site. For trying out in-development Django code, or contributing
    3838to Django, you'll always want to check out code from some location in
    3939the ``django`` directory.
    into three areas:  
    5959.. _Subversion: http://subversion.tigris.org/
    6060.. _a free online book: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/
    61 .. _A friendly web-based interface for browsing the code: http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/
     61.. _A friendly Web-based interface for browsing the code: http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/
    6464Working with Django's trunk
  • docs/intro/index.txt

    diff --git a/docs/intro/index.txt b/docs/intro/index.txt
    index 90ee627..bc61be7 100644
    a b  
    11Getting started
    4 New to Django? Or to web development in general? Well, you came to the right
     4New to Django? Or to Web development in general? Well, you came to the right
    55place: read this material to quickly get up and running.
    77.. toctree::
  • docs/intro/whatsnext.txt

    diff --git a/docs/intro/whatsnext.txt b/docs/intro/whatsnext.txt
    index fe385ff..00c1654 100644
    a b Django's main documentation is broken up into "chunks" designed to fill  
    3636different needs:
    3838    * The :doc:`introductory material </intro/index>` is designed for people new
    39       to Django -- or to web development in general. It doesn't cover anything
     39      to Django -- or to Web development in general. It doesn't cover anything
    4040      in depth, but instead gives a high-level overview of how developing in
    4141      Django "feels".
    You can get a local copy of the HTML documentation following a few easy steps:  
    167167    * Django's documentation uses a system called Sphinx__ to convert from
    168168      plain text to HTML. You'll need to install Sphinx by either downloading
    169       and installing the package from the Sphinx website, or by Python's
     169      and installing the package from the Sphinx Web site, or by Python's
    170170      ``easy_install``:
    172172      .. code-block:: bash
  • docs/misc/api-stability.txt

    diff --git a/docs/misc/api-stability.txt b/docs/misc/api-stability.txt
    index 70e5221..456d84b 100644
    a b Contributed applications (``django.contrib``)  
    126126While we'll make every effort to keep these APIs stable -- and have no plans to
    127127break any contrib apps -- this is an area that will have more flux between
    128 releases. As the web evolves, Django must evolve with it.
     128releases. As the Web evolves, Django must evolve with it.
    130130However, any changes to contrib apps will come with an important guarantee:
    131131we'll make sure it's always possible to use an older version of a contrib app if
  • docs/ref/contrib/gis/deployment.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/contrib/gis/deployment.txt b/docs/ref/contrib/gis/deployment.txt
    index fa7fe69..9100ff8 100644
    a b Deploying GeoDjango  
    88    not thread safe at this time.  Thus, it is *highly* recommended
    99    to not use threading when deploying -- in other words, use a
    1010    an appropriate configuration of Apache or the prefork method
    11     when using FastCGI through another web server.
     11    when using FastCGI through another Web server.
  • docs/ref/contrib/gis/index.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/contrib/gis/index.txt b/docs/ref/contrib/gis/index.txt
    index 074fa3a..c4959e0 100644
    a b GeoDjango  
    99.. module:: django.contrib.gis
    1010   :synopsis: Geographic Information System (GIS) extensions for Django
    12 GeoDjango intends to be a world-class geographic web framework. Its goal is to
    13 make it as easy as possible to build GIS web applications and harness the power
     12GeoDjango intends to be a world-class geographic Web framework. Its goal is to
     13make it as easy as possible to build GIS Web applications and harness the power
    1414of spatially enabled data.
    1616.. toctree::
  • docs/ref/contrib/gis/install.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/contrib/gis/install.txt b/docs/ref/contrib/gis/install.txt
    index ae36e16..f4ae574 100644
    a b internal geometry representation used by GeoDjango (it's behind the "lazy"  
    147147geometries).  Specifically, the C API library is called (e.g., ``libgeos_c.so``)
    148148directly from Python using ctypes.
    150 First, download GEOS 3.2 from the refractions website and untar the source
     150First, download GEOS 3.2 from the refractions Web site and untar the source
    153153    $ wget http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.2.2.tar.bz2
    Windows XP  
    1088 First, download the `Python 2.6 installer`__ from the Python website.  Next,
     1088First, download the `Python 2.6 installer`__ from the Python Web site.  Next,
    10891089execute the installer and use defaults, e.g., keep 'Install for all users'
    10901090checked and the installation path set as ``C:\Python26``.
    11031103First, select a mirror and download the latest `PostgreSQL 8.3 installer`__ from
    1104 the EnterpriseDB website.
     1104the EnterpriseDB Web site.
    11061106.. note::
  • docs/ref/contrib/gis/model-api.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/contrib/gis/model-api.txt b/docs/ref/contrib/gis/model-api.txt
    index cf73747..b6d92dd 100644
    a b corresponds to the projection system that will be used to interpret the data  
    9797in the spatial database. [#fnsrid]_  Projection systems give the context to the
    9898coordinates that specify a location.  Although the details of `geodesy`__ are
    9999beyond the scope of this documentation, the general problem is that the earth
    100 is spherical and representations of the earth (e.g., paper maps, web maps)
     100is spherical and representations of the earth (e.g., paper maps, Web maps)
    101101are not.
    103103Most people are familiar with using latitude and longitude to reference a
    Additional Resources:  
    134134* `spatialreference.org`__: A Django-powered database of spatial reference
    135135  systems.
    136 * `The State Plane Coordinate System`__: A website covering the various
     136* `The State Plane Coordinate System`__: A Web site covering the various
    137137  projection systems used in the United States.  Much of the U.S. spatial
    138138  data encountered will be in one of these coordinate systems rather than
    139139  in a geographic coordinate system such as WGS84.
  • docs/ref/contrib/gis/tutorial.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/contrib/gis/tutorial.txt b/docs/ref/contrib/gis/tutorial.txt
    index 3a56c2e..69c60de 100644
    a b Introduction  
    88GeoDjango is an add-on for Django that turns it into a world-class geographic
    9 web framework.  GeoDjango strives to make at as simple as possible to create
    10 geographic web applications, like location-based services.  Some features include:
     9Web framework.  GeoDjango strives to make at as simple as possible to create
     10geographic Web applications, like location-based services.  Some features include:
    1212* Django model fields for `OGC`_ geometries.
    1313* Extensions to Django's ORM for the querying and manipulation of spatial data.
    yourself with basic Django concepts.  
    2626    for more details.
    2828This tutorial is going to guide you through guide the user through the creation
    29 of a geographic web application for viewing the `world borders`_. [#]_  Some of
     29of a geographic Web application for viewing the `world borders`_. [#]_  Some of
    3030the code used in this tutorial is taken from and/or inspired by the
    3131`GeoDjango basic apps`_ project. [#]_
    as well as detailed information for each attribute field. For example,  
    197197``FIPS: String (2.0)`` indicates that there's a ``FIPS`` character field
    198198with a maximum length of 2; similarly, ``LON: Real (8.3)`` is a floating-point
    199199field that holds a maximum of 8 digits up to three decimal places.  Although
    200 this information may be found right on the `world borders`_ website, this shows
     200this information may be found right on the `world borders`_ Web site, this shows
    201201you how to determine this information yourself when such metadata is not
  • docs/ref/contrib/gis/utils.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/contrib/gis/utils.txt b/docs/ref/contrib/gis/utils.txt
    index 8b14802..9f8e518 100644
    a b GeoDjango Utilities  
    88   :synopsis: GeoDjango's collection of utilities.
    1010The :mod:`django.contrib.gis.utils` module contains various utilities that are
    11 useful in creating geospatial web applications.
     11useful in creating geospatial Web applications.
    1313.. toctree::
    1414   :maxdepth: 2
  • docs/ref/contrib/sites.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/contrib/sites.txt b/docs/ref/contrib/sites.txt
    index 7ff05a5..0a51025 100644
    a b The "sites" framework  
    55.. module:: django.contrib.sites
    6    :synopsis: Lets you operate multiple web sites from the same database and
     6   :synopsis: Lets you operate multiple Web sites from the same database and
    77              Django project
    99Django comes with an optional "sites" framework. It's a hook for associating
  • docs/ref/forms/widgets.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/forms/widgets.txt b/docs/ref/forms/widgets.txt
    index 05215d4..37c1210 100644
    a b Customizing widget instances  
    202202When Django renders a widget as HTML, it only renders the bare minimum
    203203HTML - Django doesn't add a class definition, or any other widget-specific
    204204attributes. This means that all 'TextInput' widgets will appear the same
    205 on your web page.
     205on your Web page.
    207207If you want to make one widget look different to another, you need to
    208208specify additional attributes for each widget. When you specify a
    each widget will be rendered exactly the same::  
    227227    <tr><th>Comment:</th><td><input type="text" name="comment" /></td></tr>
    230 On a real web page, you probably don't want every widget to look the same. You
     230On a real Web page, you probably don't want every widget to look the same. You
    231231might want a larger input element for the comment, and you might want the 'name'
    232232widget to have some special CSS class. To do this, you use the ``attrs``
    233233argument when creating the widget:
  • docs/ref/middleware.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/middleware.txt b/docs/ref/middleware.txt
    index 290ea27..de2a99f 100644
    a b Transaction middleware  
    195195.. module:: django.middleware.transaction
    196    :synopsis: Middleware binding a database transaction to each web request.
     196   :synopsis: Middleware binding a database transaction to each Web request.
    198198.. class:: django.middleware.transaction.TransactionMiddleware
  • docs/ref/request-response.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/request-response.txt b/docs/ref/request-response.txt
    index b8b0882..8d2ce12 100644
    a b All attributes except ``session`` should be considered read-only.  
    3838.. attribute:: HttpRequest.path_info
    40     Under some web server configurations, the portion of the URL after the host
     40    Under some Web server configurations, the portion of the URL after the host
    4141    name is split up into a script prefix portion and a path info portion
    4242    (this happens, for example, when using the ``django.root`` option
    4343    with the :ref:`modpython handler from Apache <howto-deployment-modpython>`).
    4444    The ``path_info`` attribute always contains the path info portion of the
    45     path, no matter what web server is being used. Using this instead of
     45    path, no matter what Web server is being used. Using this instead of
    4646    attr:`~HttpRequest.path` can make your code much easier to move between test
    4747    and deployment servers.
    All attributes except ``session`` should be considered read-only.  
    152152        * ``QUERY_STRING`` -- The query string, as a single (unparsed) string.
    153153        * ``REMOTE_ADDR`` -- The IP address of the client.
    154154        * ``REMOTE_HOST`` -- The hostname of the client.
    155         * ``REMOTE_USER`` -- The user authenticated by the web server, if any.
     155        * ``REMOTE_USER`` -- The user authenticated by the Web server, if any.
    156156        * ``REQUEST_METHOD`` -- A string such as ``"GET"`` or ``"POST"``.
    157157        * ``SERVER_NAME`` -- The hostname of the server.
    158158        * ``SERVER_PORT`` -- The port of the server.
  • docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt b/docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt
    index 85c0b6d..8b242eb 100644
    a b See the :doc:`markup documentation </ref/contrib/markup>`.  
    2098 A collection of template tags that can be useful while designing a website,
     2098A collection of template tags that can be useful while designing a Web site,
    20992099such as a generator of Lorem Ipsum text. See :doc:`/ref/contrib/webdesign`.
  • docs/releases/1.0.txt

    diff --git a/docs/releases/1.0.txt b/docs/releases/1.0.txt
    index 359490a..a2b6083 100644
    a b Welcome to Django 1.0!  
    77We've been looking forward to this moment for over three years, and it's finally
    88here. Django 1.0 represents a the largest milestone in Django's development to
    9 date: a web framework that a group of perfectionists can truly be proud of.
     9date: a Web framework that a group of perfectionists can truly be proud of.
    1111Django 1.0 represents over three years of community development as an Open
    1212Source project. Django's received contributions from hundreds of developers,
  • docs/releases/1.1-beta-1.txt

    diff --git a/docs/releases/1.1-beta-1.txt b/docs/releases/1.1-beta-1.txt
    index 8342396..535f818 100644
    a b release, including:  
    142142      notably, the memcached backend -- these operations will be atomic, and
    143143      quite fast.
    145     * Django now can :doc:`easily delegate authentication to the web server
     145    * Django now can :doc:`easily delegate authentication to the Web server
    146146      </howto/auth-remote-user>` via a new authentication backend that supports
    147147      the standard ``REMOTE_USER`` environment variable used for this purpose.
  • docs/releases/1.1.txt

    diff --git a/docs/releases/1.1.txt b/docs/releases/1.1.txt
    index 39cb0ab..3ca8344 100644
    a b Other new features and changes introduced since Django 1.0 include:  
    426426  notably, the memcached backend -- these operations will be atomic, and
    427427  quite fast.
    429 * Django now can :doc:`easily delegate authentication to the web server
     429* Django now can :doc:`easily delegate authentication to the Web server
    430430  </howto/auth-remote-user>` via a new authentication backend that supports
    431431  the standard ``REMOTE_USER`` environment variable used for this purpose.
  • docs/topics/auth.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/auth.txt b/docs/topics/auth.txt
    index 8c9b0f1..e0856e8 100644
    a b How to log a user out  
    659659    When you call :func:`~django.contrib.auth.logout()`, the session data for
    660660    the current request is completely cleaned out. All existing data is
    661     removed. This is to prevent another person from using the same web browser
     661    removed. This is to prevent another person from using the same Web browser
    662662    to log in and have access to the previous user's session data. If you want
    663663    to put anything into the session that will be available to the user
    664664    immediately after logging out, do that *after* calling
  • docs/topics/conditional-view-processing.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/conditional-view-processing.txt b/docs/topics/conditional-view-processing.txt
    index b5da140..c631a13 100644
    a b Conditional View Processing  
    77HTTP clients can send a number of headers to tell the server about copies of a
    88resource that they have already seen. This is commonly used when retrieving a
    9 web page (using an HTTP ``GET`` request) to avoid sending all the data for
     9Web page (using an HTTP ``GET`` request) to avoid sending all the data for
    1010something the client has already retrieved. However, the same headers can be
    1111used for all HTTP methods (``POST``, ``PUT``, ``DELETE``, etc).
  • docs/topics/email.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/email.txt b/docs/topics/email.txt
    index 31092b0..33564b6 100644
    a b Testing e-mail sending  
    576576There are times when you do not want Django to send e-mails at
    577 all. For example, while developing a website, you probably don't want
     577all. For example, while developing a Web site, you probably don't want
    578578to send out thousands of e-mails -- but you may want to validate that
    579579e-mails will be sent to the right people under the right conditions,
    580580and that those e-mails will contain the correct content.
  • docs/topics/forms/media.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/forms/media.txt b/docs/topics/forms/media.txt
    index 64cf507..548095d 100644
    a b  
    11Form Media
    4 Rendering an attractive and easy-to-use web form requires more than just
     4Rendering an attractive and easy-to-use Web form requires more than just
    55HTML - it also requires CSS stylesheets, and if you want to use fancy
    66"Web2.0" widgets, you may also need to include some JavaScript on each
    77page. The exact combination of CSS and JavaScript that is required for
    you can define a custom Calendar widget. This widget can then be associated  
    1414with the CSS and JavaScript that is required to render the calendar. When
    1515the Calendar widget is used on a form, Django is able to identify the CSS and
    1616JavaScript files that are required, and provide the list of file names
    17 in a form suitable for easy inclusion on your web page.
     17in a form suitable for easy inclusion on your Web page.
    1919.. admonition:: Media and Django Admin
  • docs/topics/http/middleware.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/http/middleware.txt b/docs/topics/http/middleware.txt
    index eee398a..24d2a8e 100644
    a b of caveats:  
    152152      define ``__init__`` as requiring any arguments.
    154154    * Unlike the ``process_*`` methods which get called once per request,
    155       ``__init__`` gets called only *once*, when the web server starts up.
     155      ``__init__`` gets called only *once*, when the Web server starts up.
    157157Marking middleware as unused
  • docs/topics/http/urls.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/http/urls.txt b/docs/topics/http/urls.txt
    index 1f49990..25f18ab 100644
    a b Normally, you should always use :func:`~django.core.urlresolvers.reverse` or  
    938938:func:`~django.db.models.permalink` to define URLs within your application.
    939939However, if your application constructs part of the URL hierarchy itself, you
    940940may occasionally need to generate URLs. In that case, you need to be able to
    941 find the base URL of the Django project within its web server
     941find the base URL of the Django project within its Web server
    942942(normally, :func:`~django.core.urlresolvers.reverse` takes care of this for
    943943you). In that case, you can call ``get_script_prefix()``, which will return the
    944944script prefix portion of the URL for your Django project. If your Django
    945 project is at the root of its webserver, this is always ``"/"``, but it can be
     945project is at the root of its Web server, this is always ``"/"``, but it can be
    946946changed, for instance  by using ``django.root`` (see :ref:`How to use
    947947Django with Apache and mod_python <howto-deployment-modpython>`).
  • docs/topics/install.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/install.txt b/docs/topics/install.txt
    index 2965c32..782f627 100644
    a b Install Apache and mod_wsgi  
    3030If you just want to experiment with Django, skip ahead to the next
    31 section; Django includes a lightweight web server you can use for
     31section; Django includes a lightweight Web server you can use for
    3232testing, so you won't need to set up Apache until you're ready to
    3333deploy Django in production.
    memory when the server starts. Code stays in memory throughout the  
    4040life of an Apache process, which leads to significant performance
    4141gains over other server arrangements. In daemon mode, mod_wsgi spawns
    4242an independent daemon process that handles requests. The daemon
    43 process can run as a different user than the webserver, possibly
     43process can run as a different user than the Web server, possibly
    4444leading to improved security, and the daemon process can be restarted
    45 without restarting the entire Apache webserver, possibly making
     45without restarting the entire Apache Web server, possibly making
    4646refreshing your codebase more seamless. Consult the mod_wsgi
    4747documentation to determine which mode is right for your setup. Make
    4848sure you have Apache installed, with the mod_wsgi module activated.
  • tests/modeltests/custom_columns/tests.py

    diff --git a/tests/modeltests/custom_columns/tests.py b/tests/modeltests/custom_columns/tests.py
    index e8ec21f..f38f087 100644
    a b class CustomColumnsTests(TestCase):  
    99        a1 = Author.objects.create(first_name="John", last_name="Smith")
    1010        a2 = Author.objects.create(first_name="Peter", last_name="Jones")
    12         art = Article.objects.create(headline="Django lets you build web apps easily")
     12        art = Article.objects.create(headline="Django lets you build Web apps easily")
    1313        art.authors = [a1, a2]
    1515        # Although the table and column names on Author have been set to custom
    class CustomColumnsTests(TestCase):  
    5858        # Get the articles for an author
    5959        self.assertQuerysetEqual(
    6060            a.article_set.all(), [
    61                 "Django lets you build web apps easily",
     61                "Django lets you build Web apps easily",
    6262            ],
    6363            lambda a: a.headline
    6464        )
  • tests/regressiontests/custom_columns_regress/models.py

    diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/custom_columns_regress/models.py b/tests/regressiontests/custom_columns_regress/models.py
    index c55daf2..728f41f 100644
    a b __test__ = {'API_TESTS':"""  
    4646>>> a2.save()
    4848# Create an article
    49 >>> art = Article(headline='Django lets you build web apps easily', primary_author=a)
     49>>> art = Article(headline='Django lets you build Web apps easily', primary_author=a)
    5050>>> art.save()
    5151>>> art.authors = [a, a2]
    AttributeError: 'Author' object has no attribute 'last'  
    9292# Get the articles for an author
    9393>>> a.article_set.all()
    94 [<Article: Django lets you build web apps easily>]
     94[<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>]
    9696# Query the authors across the m2m relation
    9797>>> art.authors.filter(last_name='Jones')
  • tests/regressiontests/file_storage/tests.py

    diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/file_storage/tests.py b/tests/regressiontests/file_storage/tests.py
    index d59fe9c..901f25e 100644
    a b class FileStorageTests(unittest.TestCase):  
    143143    def test_file_url(self):
    144144        """
    145         File storage returns a url to access a given file from the web.
     145        File storage returns a url to access a given file from the Web.
    146146        """
    147147        self.assertEqual(self.storage.url('test.file'),
    148148            '%s%s' % (self.storage.base_url, 'test.file'))
  • django/contrib/gis/gdal/srs.py

    diff --git a/django/contrib/gis/gdal/srs.py b/django/contrib/gis/gdal/srs.py
    index 93bd841..95e71f1 100644
    a b from django.contrib.gis.gdal.prototypes import srs as capi  
    3737#### Spatial Reference class. ####
    3838class SpatialReference(GDALBase):
    3939    """
    40     A wrapper for the OGRSpatialReference object.  According to the GDAL website,
     40    A wrapper for the OGRSpatialReference object.  According to the GDAL Web site,
    4141    the SpatialReference object "provide[s] services to represent coordinate
    4242    systems (projections and datums) and to transform between them."
    4343    """
  • django/contrib/sessions/models.py

    diff --git a/django/contrib/sessions/models.py b/django/contrib/sessions/models.py
    index c3b72e6..4c76ddf 100644
    a b class Session(models.Model):  
    4141    For complete documentation on using Sessions in your code, consult
    4242    the sessions documentation that is shipped with Django (also available
    43     on the Django website).
     43    on the Django Web site).
    4444    """
    4545    session_key = models.CharField(_('session key'), max_length=40,
    4646                                   primary_key=True)
  • django/core/handlers/base.py

    diff --git a/django/core/handlers/base.py b/django/core/handlers/base.py
    index b03c2fd..45f8445 100644
    a b def get_script_name(environ):  
    209209    # If Apache's mod_rewrite had a whack at the URL, Apache set either
    210210    # SCRIPT_URL or REDIRECT_URL to the full resource URL before applying any
    211     # rewrites. Unfortunately not every webserver (lighttpd!) passes this
     211    # rewrites. Unfortunately not every Web server (lighttpd!) passes this
    212212    # information through all the time, so FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME, above, is still
    213213    # needed.
    214214    script_url = environ.get('SCRIPT_URL', u'')
  • django/core/servers/fastcgi.py

    diff --git a/django/core/servers/fastcgi.py b/django/core/servers/fastcgi.py
    index 607cdb4..da52064 100644
    a b Optional Fcgi settings: (setting=value)  
    4848  Run a "standard" fastcgi process on a file-descriptor
    49   (for webservers which spawn your processes for you)
     49  (for Web servers which spawn your processes for you)
    5050    $ manage.py runfcgi method=threaded
    5252  Run a scgi server on a TCP host/port
  • docs/howto/deployment/fastcgi.txt

    diff --git a/docs/howto/deployment/fastcgi.txt b/docs/howto/deployment/fastcgi.txt
    index c2b8aa8..54611c3 100644
    a b to the Web server, which, in turn, passes it back to the client's Web browser.  
    2323Like mod_wsgi, FastCGI allows code to stay in memory, allowing requests to be
    2424served with no startup time. While mod_wsgi can either be configured embedded
    25 in the Apache webserver process or as a separate daemon process, a FastCGI
     25in the Apache Web server process or as a separate daemon process, a FastCGI
    2626process never runs inside the Web server process, always in a separate,
    2727persistent process.
    Forcing the URL prefix to a particular value  
    369369Because many of these fastcgi-based solutions require rewriting the URL at
    370 some point inside the webserver, the path information that Django sees may not
     370some point inside the Web server, the path information that Django sees may not
    371371resemble the original URL that was passed in. This is a problem if the Django
    372372application is being served from under a particular prefix and you want your
    373373URLs from the ``{% url %}`` tag to look like the prefix, rather than the
    374374rewritten version, which might contain, for example, ``mysite.fcgi``.
    376376Django makes a good attempt to work out what the real script name prefix
    377 should be. In particular, if the webserver sets the ``SCRIPT_URL`` (specific
     377should be. In particular, if the Web server sets the ``SCRIPT_URL`` (specific
    378378to Apache's mod_rewrite), or ``REDIRECT_URL`` (set by a few servers, including
    379379Apache + mod_rewrite in some situations), Django will work out the original
    380380prefix automatically.
  • docs/howto/deployment/modpython.txt

    diff --git a/docs/howto/deployment/modpython.txt b/docs/howto/deployment/modpython.txt
    index a9b665f..9152f0f 100644
    a b project (or somewhere else) that contains something like the following:  
    307307    import os
    308308    os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/some/directory'
    310 Here, ``/some/directory`` is a directory that the Apache webserver process can
     310Here, ``/some/directory`` is a directory that the Apache Web server process can
    311311write to. It will be used as the location for any unpacking of code the eggs
    312312need to do.
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