Ticket #1145: defaultfilters_tests_patch.diff

File defaultfilters_tests_patch.diff, 10.5 KB (added by L.Plant.98@…, 19 years ago)

patch adding tests and fixing two bugs

  • django/utils/timesince.py

    2424    else:
    2525        tz = None
    2626    now = datetime.datetime(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], tzinfo=tz)
    27     delta = now - d
     28    # ignore microsecond part of 'd' since we removed it from 'now'
     29    delta = now - (d - datetime.timedelta(0, 0, d.microsecond))
    2830    since = delta.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + delta.seconds
    2931    for i, (seconds, name) in enumerate(chunks):
    3032        count = since / seconds
    3133        if count != 0:
    3234            break
    3335    if count < 0:
    34         return '%d milliseconds' % math.floor(delta.microseconds / 1000)
     36        return '%d milliseconds' % math.floor((now - d).microseconds / 1000)
    3537    s = '%d %s' % (count, name(count))
    3638    if i + 1 < len(chunks):
    3739        # Now get the second item
  • django/core/template/defaultfilters.py

    118118def urlizetrunc(value, limit):
    119119    """
    120     Converts URLs into clickable links, truncating URLs to the given character limit
     120    Converts URLs into clickable links, truncating URLs to the given character limit,
     121    and adding 'rel=nofollow' attribute to discourage spamming.
    122123    Argument: Length to truncate URLs to.
    123124    """
    254255    for an introduction.
    255256    """
    256257    try:
    257         return value[slice(*[x and int(x) or None for x in arg.split(':')])]
     258        bits = []
     259        for x in arg.split(':'):
     260            if len(x) == 0:
     261                bits.append(None)
     262            else:
     263                bits.append(int(x))
     264        return value[slice(*bits)]
    258266    except (ValueError, TypeError):
    259267        return value # Fail silently.
  • tests/othertests/defaultfilters.py

    1212>>> floatformat(0.0)
     15>>> addslashes('"double quotes" and \\'single quotes\\'')
     16'\\\\"double quotes\\\\" and \\\\\\'single quotes\\\\\\''
     18>>> capfirst('hello world')
     19'Hello world'
     21>>> fix_ampersands('Jack & Jill & Jeroboam')
     22'Jack &amp; Jill &amp; Jeroboam'
     24>>> linenumbers('line 1\\nline 2')
     25'1. line 1\\n2. line 2'
     27>>> linenumbers('\\n'.join(['x'] * 10))
     28'01. x\\n02. x\\n03. x\\n04. x\\n05. x\\n06. x\\n07. x\\n08. x\\n09. x\\n10. x'
     30>>> lower('TEST')
     33>>> lower(u'\\xcb') # uppercase E umlaut
     36>>> make_list('abc')
     37['a', 'b', 'c']
     39>>> make_list(1234)
     40['1', '2', '3', '4']
     42>>> slugify(' Jack & Jill like numbers 1,2,3 and 4 and silly characters ?%.$!/')
     45>>> stringformat(1, '03d')
     48>>> stringformat(1, 'z')
     51>>> title('a nice title, isn\\'t it?')
     52"A Nice Title, Isn't It?"
     55>>> truncatewords('A sentence with a few words in it', 1)
     56'A ...'
     58>>> truncatewords('A sentence with a few words in it', 5)
     59'A sentence with a few ...'
     61>>> truncatewords('A sentence with a few words in it', 100)
     62'A sentence with a few words in it'
     64>>> truncatewords('A sentence with a few words in it', 'not a number')
     65'A sentence with a few words in it'
     68>>> upper('Mixed case input')
     71>>> upper(u'\\xeb') # lowercase e umlaut
     75>>> urlencode('jack & jill')
     79>>> urlizetrunc('http://short.com/', 20)
     80'<a href="http://short.com/" rel="nofollow">http://short.com/</a>'
     82>>> urlizetrunc('http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=some+long+url&btnG=Search&meta=', 20)
     83'<a href="http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=some+long+url&btnG=Search&meta=" rel="nofollow">http://www.google.co...</a>'
     85>>> wordcount('')
     88>>> wordcount('oneword')
     91>>> wordcount('lots of words')
     94>>> wordwrap('this is a long paragraph of text that really needs to be wrapped I\\'m afraid', 14)
     95"this is a long\\nparagraph of\\ntext that\\nreally needs\\nto be wrapped\\nI'm afraid"
     97>>> ljust('test', 10)
     98'test      '
     100>>> ljust('test', 3)
     103>>> rjust('test', 10)
     104'      test'
     106>>> rjust('test', 3)
     109>>> center('test', 6)
     110' test '
     112>>> cut('a string to be mangled', 'a')
     113' string to be mngled'
     115>>> cut('a string to be mangled', 'ng')
     116'a stri to be maled'
     118>>> cut('a string to be mangled', 'strings')
     119'a string to be mangled'
     121>>> escape('<some html & special characters > here')
     122'&lt;some html &amp; special characters &gt; here'
     124>>> linebreaks('line 1')
     125'<p>line 1</p>'
     127>>> linebreaks('line 1\\nline 2')
     128'<p>line 1<br />line 2</p>'
     130>>> removetags('some <b>html</b> with <script>alert("You smell")</script> disallowed <img /> tags', 'script img')
     131'some <b>html</b> with alert("You smell") disallowed  tags'
     133>>> striptags('some <b>html</b> with <script>alert("You smell")</script> disallowed <img /> tags')
     134'some html with alert("You smell") disallowed  tags'
     136>>> dictsort([{'age': 23, 'name': 'Barbara-Ann'},\
     137              {'age': 63, 'name': 'Ra Ra Rasputin'},\
     138              {'name': 'Jonny B Goode', 'age': 18}], 'age')
     139[{'age': 18, 'name': 'Jonny B Goode'},\
     140 {'age': 23, 'name': 'Barbara-Ann'},\
     141 {'age': 63, 'name': 'Ra Ra Rasputin'}]
     143>>> dictsortreversed([{'age': 23, 'name': 'Barbara-Ann'},\
     144              {'age': 63, 'name': 'Ra Ra Rasputin'},\
     145              {'name': 'Jonny B Goode', 'age': 18}], 'age')
     146[{'age': 63, 'name': 'Ra Ra Rasputin'},\
     147 {'age': 23, 'name': 'Barbara-Ann'},\
     148 {'age': 18, 'name': 'Jonny B Goode'}]
     150>>> first([0,1,2])
     153>>> first('')
     156>>> first('test')
     159>>> join([0,1,2], 'glue')
     162>>> length('1234')
     165>>> length([1,2,3,4])
     168>>> length_is([], 0)
     171>>> length_is([], 1)
     174>>> length_is('a', 1)
     177>>> length_is('a', 10)
     180>>> slice_('abcdefg', '0')
     183>>> slice_('abcdefg', '1')
     186>>> slice_('abcdefg', '-1')
     189>>> slice_('abcdefg', '1:2')
     192>>> slice_('abcdefg', '1:3')
     195>>> slice_('abcdefg', '0::2')
     198>>> unordered_list(['item 1', []])
     199'\\t<li>item 1</li>'
     201>>> unordered_list(['item 1', [['item 1.1', []]]])
     202'\\t<li>item 1\\n\\t<ul>\\n\\t\\t<li>item 1.1</li>\\n\\t</ul>\\n\\t</li>'
     204>>> unordered_list(['item 1', [['item 1.1', []], ['item 1.2', []]]])
     205'\\t<li>item 1\\n\\t<ul>\\n\\t\\t<li>item 1.1</li>\\n\\t\\t<li>item 1.2</li>\\n\\t</ul>\\n\\t</li>'
     207>>> add('1', '2')
     210>>> get_digit(123, 1)
     213>>> get_digit(123, 2)
     216>>> get_digit(123, 3)
     219>>> get_digit(123, 4)
     222>>> get_digit(123, 0)
     225>>> get_digit('xyz', 0)
     228# real testing of date() is in dateformat.py
     229>>> date(datetime.datetime(2005, 12, 29), "d F Y")
     230'29 December 2005'
     232# real testing of time() is done in dateformat.py
     233>>> time(datetime.time(13), "h")
     236# real testing is done in timesince.py, where we can provide our own 'now'
     237>>> timesince(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(1))
     238'1 day'
     240>>> default("val", "default")
     243>>> default(None, "default")
     246>>> default('', "default")
     249>>> default_if_none("val", "default")
     252>>> default_if_none(None, "default")
     255>>> default_if_none('', "default")
     258>>> divisibleby(4, 2)
     261>>> divisibleby(4, 3)
     264>>> yesno(True)
     267>>> yesno(False)
     270>>> yesno(None)
     273>>> yesno(True, 'certainly,get out of town,perhaps')
     276>>> yesno(False, 'certainly,get out of town,perhaps')
     277'get out of town'
     279>>> yesno(None, 'certainly,get out of town,perhaps')
     282>>> yesno(None, 'certainly,get out of town')
     283'get out of town'
     285>>> filesizeformat(1023)
     286'1023 bytes'
     288>>> filesizeformat(1024)
     289'1.0 KB'
     291>>> filesizeformat(10*1024)
     292'10.0 KB'
     294>>> filesizeformat(1024*1024-1)
     295'1024.0 KB'
     297>>> filesizeformat(1024*1024)
     298'1.0 MB'
     300>>> filesizeformat(1024*1024*50)
     301'50.0 MB'
     303>>> filesizeformat(1024*1024*1024-1)
     304'1024.0 MB'
     306>>> filesizeformat(1024*1024*1024)
     307'1.0 GB'
     309>>> pluralize(1)
     312>>> pluralize(0)
     315>>> pluralize(2)
     318>>> phone2numeric('0800 flowers')
     319'0800 3569377'
    16325from django.core.template.defaultfilters import *
     326import datetime
    18328if __name__ == '__main__':
    19329    import doctest
  • tests/othertests/timesince.py

     2>>> timesince(now - timedelta(365*2), now=now)
     3'2 years'
     5>>> timesince(now - timedelta(365*2+30*2), now=now)
     6'2 years, 2 months'
     8>>> timesince(now - timedelta(366), now=now)
     9'1 year'
     11>>> timesince(now - timedelta(365), now=now)
     12'1 year'
     14>>> timesince(now - timedelta(365+30), now=now)
     15'1 year, 1 month'
     17>>> timesince(now - timedelta(2), now=now)
     18'2 days'
     20>>> timesince(now - timedelta(1), now=now)
     21'1 day'
     23>>> timesince(now - timedelta(1.5), now=now)
     24'1 day, 12 hours'
     26>>> timesince(now - timedelta(0.5), now=now)
     27'12 hours'
     29>>> timesince(now - timedelta(0, 3600), now=now)
     30'1 hour'
     32>>> timesince(now - timedelta(0, 3601), now=now)
     33'1 hour'
     35>>> timesince(now - timedelta(0, 60*62), now=now)
     36'1 hour, 2 minutes'
     38>>> timesince(now - timedelta(0, 60*121), now=now)
     39'2 hours, 1 minute'
     41>>> timesince(now - timedelta(0, 600), now=now)
     42'10 minutes'
     46from django.utils.timesince import timesince
     47from django.utils import translation
     48from datetime import datetime, timedelta
     52now = datetime.now()
     54if __name__ == '__main__':
     56    import doctest
     57    doctest.testmod()
  • tests/runtests.py

    206206    parser.add_option('-v', help='How verbose should the output be? Choices are 0, 1 and 2, where 2 is most verbose. Default is 0.',
    207207        type='choice', choices=['0', '1', '2'])
    208208    parser.add_option('--settings',
    209         help='Python path to settings module, e.g. "myproject.settings.main". If this isn\'t provided, the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable will be used.')
     209        help='Python path to settings module, e.g. "myproject.settings". If this isn\'t provided, the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable will be used.')
    210210    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    211211    verbosity_level = 0
    212212    if options.v:
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