Ticket #1136: unique_joins.patch

File unique_joins.patch, 15.3 KB (added by freakboy@…, 19 years ago)

Patch to remove duplicated joins on kwarg evaluation

  • django/db/models/manager.py

    6262        # Construct the fundamental parts of the query: SELECT X FROM Y WHERE Z.
    6363        select = ["%s.%s" % (backend.quote_name(opts.db_table), backend.quote_name(f.column)) for f in opts.fields]
    64         tables = [opts.db_table] + (kwargs.get('tables') and kwargs['tables'][:] or [])
    65         tables = [quote_only_if_word(t) for t in tables]
     64        tables = (kwargs.get('tables') and [quote_only_if_word(t) for t in kwargs['tables']] or [])
    6665        where = kwargs.get('where') and kwargs['where'][:] or []
    6766        params = kwargs.get('params') and kwargs['params'][:] or []
    6968        # Convert the kwargs into SQL.
    70         tables2, join_where2, where2, params2, _ = parse_lookup(kwargs.items(), opts)
     69        tables2, joins, where2, params2 = parse_lookup(kwargs.items(), opts)
    7170        tables.extend(tables2)
    72         where.extend(join_where2 + where2)
     71        where.extend(where2)
    7372        params.extend(params2)
    7574        # Add any additional constraints from the "where_constraints" parameter.
    8382        if kwargs.get('select'):
    8483            select.extend(['(%s) AS %s' % (quote_only_if_word(s[1]), backend.quote_name(s[0])) for s in kwargs['select']])
     85        # Start composing the body of the SQL statement
     86        sql = [" FROM", backend.quote_name(opts.db_table)]
     88        # Compose the join dictionary into SQL describing the joins
     89        if joins:
     90            sql.append(" ".join(["%s %s AS %s ON %s" % (join_type, table, alias, condition)
     91                                for (alias, (table, join_type, condition)) in joins.items()]))
     93        # Compose the tables clause into SQL
     94        if tables:
     95            sql.append(", " + ", ".join(tables))
     97        # Compose the where clause into SQL
     98        if where:
     99            sql.append(where and "WHERE " + " AND ".join(where))
    86101        # ORDER BY clause
    87102        order_by = []
    88103        for f in handle_legacy_orderlist(kwargs.get('order_by', opts.ordering)):
    106121                    else:
    107122                        table_prefix = ''
    108123                order_by.append('%s%s %s' % (table_prefix, backend.quote_name(orderfield2column(col_name, opts)), order))
    109         order_by = ", ".join(order_by)
     124        if order_by:
     125            sql.append("ORDER BY " + ", ".join(order_by))
    111127        # LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
    112128        if kwargs.get('limit') is not None:
    113             limit_sql = " %s " % backend.get_limit_offset_sql(kwargs['limit'], kwargs.get('offset'))
     129            sql.append("%s " % backend.get_limit_offset_sql(kwargs['limit'], kwargs.get('offset')))
    114130        else:
    115131            assert kwargs.get('offset') is None, "'offset' is not allowed without 'limit'"
    116             limit_sql = ""
    118         return select, " FROM " + ",".join(tables) + (where and " WHERE " + " AND ".join(where) or "") + (order_by and " ORDER BY " + order_by or "") + limit_sql, params
     133        return select, " ".join(sql), params
    120135    def get_iterator(self, **kwargs):
    121136        # kwargs['select'] is a dictionary, and dictionaries' key order is
    122137        # undefined, so we convert it to a list of tuples internally.
  • django/db/models/query.py

    4545            output.append('%s%s ASC' % (prefix, backend.quote_name(orderfield2column(f, opts))))
    4646    return ', '.join(output)
    48 class QBase:
     48class QOperator:
    4949    "Base class for QAnd and QOr"
    5050    def __init__(self, *args):
    5151        self.args = args
    5353    def __repr__(self):
    5454        return '(%s)' % self.operator.join([repr(el) for el in self.args])
    56     def get_sql(self, opts, table_count):
    57         tables, join_where, where, params = [], [], [], []
     56    def get_sql(self, opts):
     57        tables, joins, where, params = [], {}, [], []
    5858        for val in self.args:
    59             tables2, join_where2, where2, params2, table_count = val.get_sql(opts, table_count)
     59            tables2, joins2, where2, params2 = val.get_sql(opts)
    6060            tables.extend(tables2)
    61             join_where.extend(join_where2)
     61            joins.update(joins2)
    6262            where.extend(where2)
    6363            params.extend(params2)
    64         return tables, join_where, ['(%s)' % self.operator.join(where)], params, table_count
     64        return tables, joins, ['(%s)' % self.operator.join(where)], params
    66 class QAnd(QBase):
     66class QAnd(QOperator):
    6767    "Encapsulates a combined query that uses 'AND'."
    6868    operator = ' AND '
    6969    def __or__(self, other):
    8080        else:
    8181            raise TypeError, other
    83 class QOr(QBase):
     83class QOr(QOperator):
    8484    "Encapsulates a combined query that uses 'OR'."
    8585    operator = ' OR '
    8686    def __and__(self, other):
    117117        else:
    118118            raise TypeError, other
    120     def get_sql(self, opts, table_count):
    121         return parse_lookup(self.kwargs.items(), opts, table_count)
     120    def get_sql(self, opts):
     121        return parse_lookup(self.kwargs.items(), opts)
    124124def get_where_clause(lookup_type, table_prefix, field_name, value):
    174174    # Helper function to remove redundancy.
    175175    raise TypeError, "got unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % kwarg
    177 def parse_lookup(kwarg_items, opts, table_count=0):
     177def parse_lookup(kwarg_items, opts):
    178178    # Helper function that handles converting API kwargs (e.g.
    179179    # "name__exact": "tom") to SQL.
    181     # Note that there is a distinction between where and join_where. The latter
    182     # is specifically a list of where clauses to use for JOINs. This
    183     # distinction is necessary because of support for "_or".
    185     # table_count is used to ensure table aliases are unique.
    186     tables, join_where, where, params = [], [], [], []
     181    # 'joins' is a dictionary describing the tables that must be joined to complete the query.
     182    # Each key-value pair follows the form
     183    #   alias: (table, join_type, condition)
     184    # where
     185    #   alias is the AS alias for the joined table
     186    #   table is the actual table name to be joined
     187    #   join_type is the type of join (INNER JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN, etc)
     188    #   condition is the where-like statement over which narrows the join.
     189    #
     190    # alias will be derived from the lookup list name.
     191    # At present, this method only every returns INNER JOINs; the option is there for others
     192    # to implement custom Q()s, etc that return other join types.
     193    tables, joins, where, params = [], {}, [], []
    187194    for kwarg, kwarg_value in kwarg_items:
    188195        if kwarg in ('order_by', 'limit', 'offset', 'select_related', 'distinct', 'select', 'tables', 'where', 'params'):
    189196            continue
    190197        if kwarg_value is None:
    191198            continue
    192199        if kwarg == 'complex':
    193             tables2, join_where2, where2, params2, table_count = kwarg_value.get_sql(opts, table_count)
     200            tables2, joins2, where2, params2 = kwarg_value.get_sql(opts)
    194201            tables.extend(tables2)
    195             join_where.extend(join_where2)
     202            joins.update(joins2)
    196203            where.extend(where2)
    197             params.extend(params2)
     204            params.extend(params2)           
    198205            continue
    199206        if kwarg == '_or':
    200207            for val in kwarg_value:
    201                 tables2, join_where2, where2, params2, table_count = parse_lookup(val, opts, table_count)
     208                tables2, joins2, where2, params2 = parse_lookup(val, opts)
    202209                tables.extend(tables2)
    203                 join_where.extend(join_where2)
     210                joins.update(joins2)
    204211                where.append('(%s)' % ' OR '.join(where2))
    205212                params.extend(params2)
    206213            continue
    212219            else:
    213220                lookup_list = lookup_list[:-1] + [opts.pk.name, 'exact']
    214221        if len(lookup_list) == 1:
    215             _throw_bad_kwarg_error(kwarg)
     222            throw_bad_kwarg_error(kwarg)
    216223        lookup_type = lookup_list.pop()
    217224        current_opts = opts # We'll be overwriting this, so keep a reference to the original opts.
    218225        current_table_alias = current_opts.db_table
    219226        param_required = False
    220227        while lookup_list or param_required:
    221             table_count += 1
    222228            try:
    223229                # "current" is a piece of the lookup list. For example, in
    224230                # choices.get_list(poll__sites__id__exact=5), lookup_list is
    225                 # ["polls", "sites", "id"], and the first current is "polls".
     231                # ["poll", "sites", "id"], and the first current is "poll".
    226232                try:
    227233                    current = lookup_list.pop(0)
    228234                except IndexError:
    233239                # Try many-to-many relationships first...
    234240                for f in current_opts.many_to_many:
    235241                    if f.name == current:
    236                         rel_table_alias = backend.quote_name('t%s' % table_count)
    237                         table_count += 1
    238                         tables.append('%s %s' % \
    239                             (backend.quote_name(f.get_m2m_db_table(current_opts)), rel_table_alias))
    240                         join_where.append('%s.%s = %s.%s' % \
    241                             (backend.quote_name(current_table_alias),
    242                             backend.quote_name(current_opts.pk.column),
    243                             rel_table_alias,
    244                             backend.quote_name(current_opts.object_name.lower() + '_id')))
     242                        rel_table_alias = backend.quote_name(current_table_alias + LOOKUP_SEPARATOR + current)
     244                        joins[rel_table_alias] = (
     245                            backend.quote_name(f.get_m2m_db_table(current_opts)),
     246                            "INNER JOIN",
     247                            '%s.%s = %s.%s' %
     248                                (backend.quote_name(current_table_alias),
     249                                backend.quote_name(current_opts.pk.column),
     250                                rel_table_alias,
     251                                backend.quote_name(current_opts.object_name.lower() + '_id'))
     252                        )
    245254                        # Optimization: In the case of primary-key lookups, we
    246255                        # don't have to do an extra join.
    247256                        if lookup_list and lookup_list[0] == f.rel.to._meta.pk.name and lookup_type == 'exact':
    251260                            lookup_list.pop()
    252261                            param_required = False
    253262                        else:
    254                             new_table_alias = 't%s' % table_count
    255                             tables.append('%s %s' % (backend.quote_name(f.rel.to._meta.db_table),
    256                                 backend.quote_name(new_table_alias)))
    257                             join_where.append('%s.%s = %s.%s' % \
    258                                 (backend.quote_name(rel_table_alias),
    259                                 backend.quote_name(f.rel.to._meta.object_name.lower() + '_id'),
    260                                 backend.quote_name(new_table_alias),
    261                                 backend.quote_name(f.rel.to._meta.pk.column)))
     263                            new_table_alias = current_table_alias + LOOKUP_SEPARATOR + current
     265                            joins[backend.quote_name(new_table_alias)] = (
     266                                backend.quote_name(f.rel.to._meta.db_table),
     267                                "INNER JOIN",
     268                                '%s.%s = %s.%s' %
     269                                    (rel_table_alias,
     270                                    backend.quote_name(f.rel.to._meta.object_name.lower() + '_id'),
     271                                    backend.quote_name(new_table_alias),
     272                                    backend.quote_name(f.rel.to._meta.pk.column))
     273                            )
    262274                            current_table_alias = new_table_alias
    263275                            param_required = True
    264276                        current_opts = f.rel.to._meta
    279291                        elif lookup_type == 'isnull' and not lookup_list:
    280292                            where.append(get_where_clause(lookup_type, current_table_alias+'.', f.column, kwarg_value))
    281293                            params.extend(f.get_db_prep_lookup(lookup_type, kwarg_value))
    282                         else:
    283                             new_table_alias = 't%s' % table_count
    284                             tables.append('%s %s' % \
    285                                 (backend.quote_name(f.rel.to._meta.db_table), backend.quote_name(new_table_alias)))
    286                             join_where.append('%s.%s = %s.%s' % \
    287                                 (backend.quote_name(current_table_alias), backend.quote_name(f.column),
    288                                 backend.quote_name(new_table_alias), backend.quote_name(f.rel.to._meta.pk.column)))
     294                        else:                           
     295                            new_table_alias = current_table_alias + LOOKUP_SEPARATOR + current
     297                            joins[backend.quote_name(new_table_alias)] = (
     298                                backend.quote_name(f.rel.to._meta.db_table),
     299                                "INNER JOIN",
     300                                '%s.%s = %s.%s' %
     301                                    (backend.quote_name(current_table_alias),
     302                                    backend.quote_name(f.column),
     303                                    backend.quote_name(new_table_alias),
     304                                    backend.quote_name(f.rel.to._meta.pk.column))
     305                            )
    289306                            current_table_alias = new_table_alias
    290307                            param_required = True
    291308                        current_opts = f.rel.to._meta
    301318                throw_bad_kwarg_error(kwarg)
    302319            except StopIteration:
    303320                continue
    304     return tables, join_where, where, params, table_count
     321    return tables, joins, where, params
  • tests/modeltests/many_to_one/models.py

    6767>>> Article.objects.get_list(reporter__first_name__exact='John', order_by=['pub_date'])
    6868[This is a test, John's second story]
     70# Query twice over the related field
     71>>> Article.objects.get_list(reporter__first_name__exact='John', reporter__last_name__exact='Smith')
     72[This is a test, John's second story]
     74# The underlying query only makes one join when a related table is referenced twice
     75>>> _,sql,_ = Article.objects._get_sql_clause(reporter__first_name__exact='John', reporter__last_name__exact='Smith')
     76>>> sql.count('INNER JOIN')
     79# The automatically joined table has a predictable name
     80>>> Article.objects.get_list(reporter__first_name__exact='John', where=["many_to_one_articles__reporter.last_name='Smith'"])
     81[This is a test, John's second story]
    7083# Find all Articles for the Reporter whose ID is 1.
    7184>>> Article.objects.get_list(reporter__id__exact=1, order_by=['pub_date'])
    7285[This is a test, John's second story]
    95108>>> a4.save()
    96109>>> a4.get_reporter()
    97110John Smith
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