Ticket #10110: 10110.diff

File 10110.diff, 2.6 KB (added by Graham King, 16 years ago)
  • docs/faq/contributing.txt

    2424vary from week to week depending on our spare time. If we're busy, we may not
    2525be able to spend as much time on Django as we might want.
    27 Besides, if your feature request stands no chance of inclusion in Django, we
     27The best way to make sure tickets do not get hung up on the way to checkin
     28is to make it dead easy, even for someone who may not be intimately familiar
     29with that area of the code, to understand the problem and verify the fix:
     31    * Are there clear instructions on how to reproduce the bug? If this touches
     32    a dependency (such as PIL), a contrib module, or a specific database, are
     33    those instructions clear enough even for someone not familiar with it?
     35    * If there are several patches attached to the ticket, is it clear what
     36    each one does, which ones can be ignored and which matter?
     38    * Does the patch include a unit test? If not, is there a very clear
     39    explanation why not? A test expresses succinctly what the problem is,
     40    and shows that the patch actually fixes it.
     42If your feature request stands no chance of inclusion in Django, we
    2843won't ignore it -- we'll just close the ticket. So if your ticket is still
    2944open, it doesn't mean we're ignoring you; it just means we haven't had time to
    3045look at it yet.
     47When and how might I remind the dev team of a bug I care about?
     50A polite, well-timed message to the mailing list is certainly one way
     51to get attention. Keep an eye on the grand schedule. If you make noise
     52when the core devs are under the hammer trying to hit a feature
     53deadline or manage a planning phase, you're probably going to get
     54ignored. However, raising the ticket when the core devs are paying
     55attention to bugs - just before a bug fixing sprint, or in the leadup
     56to a beta release for example - is likely to get some traction.
     58Gentle IRC reminders can also work - again, strategically timed
     59(during a bug sprint would be a very good time, for example).
     61Another way to get traction is to pull related items together. When I
     62jump into the code to fix a bug in an area I haven't touched for a
     63while, it can take a few minutes to refresh my memory on exactly how
     64things work. If you collect minor bugs together into similarly themed
     65groups, you make an attractive target for us core devs (who are, after
     66all, exceedingly lazy and like easy jobs much more than hard jobs :-)
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